a. Difficult or costly access b. Unsuitable aggregations and definitions c. Does not meet the purpose of study d. No real control over data quality
There are both advantages and disadvantages of data collection methods in statistics. The main advantages are the metrics and correlation one can draw from statistics. The disadvantages stem from sampling errors.
Secondary data helps in reducing time, effort and money required for the collection of data. It is easily available. It can be obtained from Text books, net etc.
Advantages to the secondary data collection method are - 1) it saves time that would otherwise be spent collecting data, 2) provides a larger database (usually) than what would be possible to collect on ones own However there are disadvantages to the fact that the researcher cannot personally check the data so it's reliability may be questioned. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secondary_data The link above is primarily on the use of secondary data for purposes of calculating statistics. In this electronic age, secondary data is disseminated very rapidly, such as credit card or employment history. You may want to browse the internet about problems when personal secondary data is widely available.
Secondary data is collecting and possibly processing data by people other than the researcher in question. Common sources of secondary data for social science include censuses, large surveys, and organizational records (Mintel). In sociology primary data is data you have collected yourself and secondary data is data you have gathered from primary sources to create new research. In terms of historical research, these two terms have different meanings. A primary source is a book or set of archival records. A secondary source is a summary of a book or set of records. Advantages to the secondary data collection method are - 1) it saves time that would otherwise be spent collecting data, 2) provides a larger database (usually) than what would be possible to collect on ones own However there are disadvantages to the fact that the researcher cannot personally check the data so its reliability may be questioned.
data collection locations can include?
There are both advantages and disadvantages of data collection methods in statistics. The main advantages are the metrics and correlation one can draw from statistics. The disadvantages stem from sampling errors.
Secondary data may not answer fully answer the research questions of a study. It is also hard to establish its validity, and if proper sampling and data collection methods were employed.
Secondary data helps in reducing time, effort and money required for the collection of data. It is easily available. It can be obtained from Text books, net etc.
data file
Advantages to the secondary data collection method are - 1) it saves time that would otherwise be spent collecting data, 2) provides a larger database (usually) than what would be possible to collect on ones own However there are disadvantages to the fact that the researcher cannot personally check the data so it's reliability may be questioned. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secondary_data The link above is primarily on the use of secondary data for purposes of calculating statistics. In this electronic age, secondary data is disseminated very rapidly, such as credit card or employment history. You may want to browse the internet about problems when personal secondary data is widely available.
Secondary data is collecting and possibly processing data by people other than the researcher in question. Common sources of secondary data for social science include censuses, large surveys, and organizational records (Mintel). In sociology primary data is data you have collected yourself and secondary data is data you have gathered from primary sources to create new research. In terms of historical research, these two terms have different meanings. A primary source is a book or set of archival records. A secondary source is a summary of a book or set of records. Advantages to the secondary data collection method are - 1) it saves time that would otherwise be spent collecting data, 2) provides a larger database (usually) than what would be possible to collect on ones own However there are disadvantages to the fact that the researcher cannot personally check the data so its reliability may be questioned.
relevance, consistency, method of collection used, validity, reasons for which the data were collected, reliability, completenes e.t.c
they are created by people who have never experienced the historical period they described
Secondary Research Methods are Internet Research, Library Research, Data Collection Organizations and News Papers/Magazines/Journals/Periodicals.
Secondary data plays a crucial role within assessments in emergencies, specifically in phase I and II when collecting data and information produced from outside the field assessment is necessary to provide a baseline with which to compare primary data. SD complements and benefits the primary data collection
Well for mac you can only back up your data when you have a secondary storage hard drive, for windows it gives you more space to download and to use it, basic
The collection of data and statistical analysis are time-consuming