No venous fly traps do not live in the dessert they live in mostly the rain forest or some place were it rains a lot.
In its natural habitat, the Venus flytrap prefers savanna plains, where there are few trees and bushes, like those found in North and South Carolina. Here the plants often grow surrounded by grasses and other carnivorous plants. The plants grow in a variety of soil types such as peat, sand, or loam. With an acid pH of between 4 and 5. Distinctivley the plants originate in soils which are lacking in Nitrogen, the insect catching behaviour is an adaption to provide the plant with this element. The Venus flytrap can withstand full sun but only in soil with a high moisture content. Plants are perennial and are able to withstand temperatures of -10F, but in their natural habitat the temperature rarely falls below 32F.
They have a 100% death rate- they all die. Most live for less than a year. Some such a monarchs fly south and live all winter then return lay eggs and die.
You should fly a kite where there is no power lines. Parks are great places to fly kites.
weight fly sand
The word "fly" has one syllable.
I don't think venus fly traps have gas.
no there were no venus fly traps. but there where paintings.
venus fly traps glow blue because of how much nutrients they have
why would people eat venus fly traps, the fly traps eat insects.
Venus Flytraps do not fly.
Yes, they do!! Venus fly traps are plants, and hence, they have eukaryotic cells. Hope this helps (:
Q: Are there venus fly traps in Virgina? A: Venus fly traps can be found anywhere, well in stores of course. Venus fly traps are normally grown in Mississippi. They are brought from all over the world. You can find them at your local Home Depot.
because venus fly traps have roots.
They get nutrients to help them live
Yes They are!
Venus fly traps are carnivorous plants that capture, kill and eat their food. The Venus fly trap is a bulb plant, and the traps themselves develop from flowers.