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In its natural habitat, the Venus flytrap prefers savanna plains, where there are few trees and bushes, like those found in North and South Carolina. Here the plants often grow surrounded by grasses and other carnivorous plants. The plants grow in a variety of soil types such as peat, sand, or loam. With an acid pH of between 4 and 5.

Distinctivley the plants originate in soils which are lacking in Nitrogen, the insect catching behaviour is an adaption to provide the plant with this element.

The Venus flytrap can withstand full sun but only in soil with a high moisture content. Plants are perennial and are able to withstand temperatures of -10F, but in their natural habitat the temperature rarely falls below 32F.

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Q: Were does the Venus's fly trap live?
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The Venus flytrap is not typically found in the layers of the rainforest. It is native to boggy areas in North and South Carolina in the United States.

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How do Venus fly trap eat insect?

the insect is attracted into the trap, by sweet syrup substance and once inside when the fly trap closes. they are liquified and turned into a natural protein for the fly trap

How do you trap a fly?

I would recommend a bug catcher, or a Venus Fly Trap plant. You can also trap the fly by putting a cup or bowl on top of it when it is on a tabletop.

Which plant is a trap?

a venus fly trap

What is the symbiotic relationship between the Venus fly trap and insects?

ehh example a fly. The fly is not benifiting of the relationship with the venus fly trap. because the fly is the host she is being eating by the venus fly trap.but the venus fly trap is benifiting.

What is the energy or nutrints of a Venus fly trap?

a venus fly trap gets a fly and then takes all the nutrents from the fly and makes it its own.

What flower eats Insects?

the venus fly trap would be one of them

Is the venus fly trap carnivouous?

The venus fly trap - Dionaea muscipula, is a carnivorous plant.

Can a venus fly trap live on a desk?

As a potted plant, I say it is doubtful. They need to be kept wet constantly.

How long does it take for a Venus fly trap eat a fly?

It takes a few days (2) for a Venus Fly Trap to digest its food.