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Q: Do all angles have reference angles?
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What is the reference line in measuring the angles of incidence and angle reflection?

The reference line is the normal (perpendicular) to the surface.

How do you find the reference angles for cos?

by using rightangle triangle

Are all angles right angles in a rectangle?

All of the interior angles in it are.

Can you find the reference angle of a quadrantal angle?

Yes. Quadrantal angles have reference angles of either 0 degrees (e.g. 0 degrees and 180 degrees) or 90 degrees (e.g. 90 degrees and 270 degrees).

All angles are right angles but all sides are not equal?

You don't tell us enough information. In a square, there are four sides and four angles. The sides are all equal and the angles are all right angles. In a rectangle, there are four sides and four angles The opposite sides are equal and the angles are all right angles. There is no other shape in which all angles are right angles.

What is an all acute angles?

acute angles are angles that are smaller than 90 degrees. all acute angles are all angles that are less than 90degrees

Why is 90 degrees not taken as the angle of reference?

If I understand the question correctly, the answer is that it is simply a case of convention. For bearings, for example, the reference line is North and angles are measured clockwise. In 2-D polar coordinates, the reference line is the horizontal (going East) and angles are measured in the anti-clockwise direction.

What is true about all f angles?

They are all called f angles or corresponding angles!

Are all angles parallel?

No, not all angles are parallel.

At which point on the globe do the north-south geographic lines of reference converge after crossing the equator at right angles?

All of the meridians of longitude converge at the north and south poles.

What quadrilateral has all angles congruent?

The quadrilaterals with all angles congruent are rectangles and squares. They are the only quadrilaterals in which all four angles are right angles.

Does a cube have acute angles?

No, all angles are right angles