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No because they have 7 vertices

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Q: Do all heptagons have 6 verticies?
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How many verticies does a pyramid have?

a pyramid has 6 verticies

How many verticies does a triangular prism have?

A triangular prism has 6 verticies

What shape can be a 7 sided polygon?

All seven sided polygons are known as "heptagons". Heptagons that have all side lengths the same are known as "regular heptagons".

How many verticies in a cube?

A cube has 8 verticies {corners} 12 edges and 6 faces

What is the name of a shape that has 6 faces 8 verticies's and 12 edges?

A cube has 6 sides 8 verticies and 12 edges

What is a polygon called with 6 verticies?

An hexagon has 6 vertices

Do all heptagons have six vertices?


Which 3d shape has 6 verticies?

A triangular prism.

What has 6 verticies and 9 edges?

A triangular prism.

Which two dimensional shape has 6 sides and 6 verticies?

It is a 6 sided hexagon

How many sides and verticies does a hexagon have?

A hexagon has 6 sides and 6 vertices.

What are all the names of polyhedrons?

One of them is a tetrahedron i think? i dunno? wot else is there?(don't get confused)the 5 regular:tetrahedron (triangular pyramid) face:4 edge:6 verticies:4 dual: tetrahedroncube (triangular deltohedron) face:6 edge:12 verticies:8 dual: octohedronoctohedron (square dipyramid) face:8 edge:12 verticies:6 dual: cubedodecahedron (I think:half truncated pentagonal deltohedron) face:12 edge:30 verticies:20 dual: icosahedronicosahedron (penagonal gyrolongated dipyramid) face:20 edge:30 verticies:12 dual: dodecahedronthere is an unlimited number, but these are the regular ones, wich means all faces, edges, and verticies are the same.(circles, cones, and spheres are not polyhedrons because they'r not flat)