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Q: Is it true all heptagons have 6 vertices's?
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Do all heptagons have 6 verticies?

No because they have 7 vertices

How many verticess does a square pyramid and a cube have?

Square pyramid: 5 Cube: 6

How many faces and vertices does a octahedron have?

They can have faces which are triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons or heptagons. It has 8 faces and can have 6 to 12 vertices.

Name shapes from 7 to 9 octagons heptagons hexagons?

hex = 6, hept = 7, oct = 8, non or enne = 9.

What is true of the multiples for 6?

They are all even numbers.

Do all multiples of 2 end in 2 4 6 8 true or false?

It is true.

What is true about all cubes?

They all have 6 sides and each side are the same length.

How many sides do 5 heptagons 2 hexagons 4 nonagons and 3 octagons have altogether?

A heptagon has seven sides, a hexagon six, a nonagon nine, and an octagon eight. So in 5 heptagons, 2 hexagons, 4 nonagons, and 3 octagons there are (5*7)+(2*6)+(4*9)+(3*8) = 35 + 12 + 36 + 24 = 107 sides altogether.

Are faces of a cube congruent?

if it is a true cube then yes, all 6 faces are congruent

Can regular heptagons and equalateral triangle tile a flat surface?

Equilateral triangles can tile a plane, but regular heptagons cannot; nor can they tile the plan together. Where vertices meet (at a point on the plane) there is a complete turn of 360°. Each vertex of an equilateral triangle is 60°; 360° ÷ 60° = 6, a whole number of times, so a whole number of equilateral triangles can meet at a vertex of the tiling. Each vertex of a regular heptagon is 128 4/7°; 360° ÷ 128 4/7° = 2 4/5 which is not a whole number, so a whole number of regular heptagons cannot meet at a vertex of the tiling, so there will be gaps. With one regular heptagon there are 360° - 128 4/7° = 232 3/7°, but this cannot be divided by 60° a whole number of times, so one regular heptagon and some equilateral triangles cannot meet at a vertex of the tiling without gaps. With two regular heptagons there are 360° - 2 x 128 4/7° = 102 6/7°, but this cannot be divided by 60° a whole number of times, so two regular heptagons and some equilateral triangles cannot meet at a vertex of the tiling without gaps. With three or more regular heptagons, they will overlap when trying to place them on a plane around a point - leaving no space for any equilateral triangles.

What are all the element that in group 6 call?

The elements in group 6 are chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, and seaborgium.

Is it true that all the positive factors of 6 are 1 and 2 and 3?

Yes they are. See for yourself: 1 x 6 = 6, 2 x 3 = 6, and 3 x 2 = 6.