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Q: Do all pyramids have the same number of faces?
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You are a polyhedron All of your faces are the same All of your faces are equilateral trianglesI have eight facesWhat are you?

An octahedron formed by joining together (base-to-base) two square-based pyramids.

How many faces do three square pyramids have in all?

15 faces on three

What is true about the side faces not the base of all pyramids?

They are triangles.

You are a polyhedron all of your faces are the same all of you faces are equilateral triangles you have eight faces?

that's easy its a triangle * * * * * That is such a nonsensical answer! A triangle is not even a polyhedron. The correct answer is an octahedron - two square based pyramids stuck together along their bases.

Do all pyramids have 4 faces?

No, there are many different types of pyramids. To give a real-life comparison, the Egyptian pyramids are square pyramids, and have 5 faces. Triangular pyramids have 4 faces. (Count the base as one face) A pentagonal pyramid would have 6 faces. (Five on each side, plus the base) A hexagonal pyramid would have 7 faces, etc. (One for each side base + the base's face)

What has all the faces the same has equilateral triangles has eight faces and is a polyhedrom?

Octahedron. It is two square pyramids that share a base (Imagine a pyramid from Egypt, flip it upside down, and stick that to the bottom of the original pyramid).

How are geometric pyramids and prisms the same?

Both are closed three dimensional polyhedra, all of whose faces are polygonal. They may need to be convex but I am not 100% sure about that.

How are triangular pyramid and a square pyramid alike?

they are both types of pyramidsThey're both triangular pyramids, and all of them have a base, multiple faces, and at one end the faces come to a point.* * * * *They are NOT both triangular pyramids!

What is the similarity and difference between a tetrahedron and a pentagonal prism?

A tetrahedron and a pentagonal prism are both three-dimensional geometric shapes, but they have different properties and characteristics. Here's a comparison of their similarities and differences: Similarities: Both are Polyhedra: Both the tetrahedron and the pentagonal prism are polyhedra, which means they are solid geometric shapes with flat faces, edges, and vertices. Three-Dimensional: They exist in three-dimensional space, which means they have length, width, and height. Differences: Number of Faces: A tetrahedron has four faces. These faces are all triangular. A pentagonal prism has seven faces. It has two pentagonal (5-sided) faces, one on the top and one on the bottom, and five rectangular faces that connect the corresponding sides of the pentagons. Number of Edges: A tetrahedron has six edges. A pentagonal prism has 15 edges. Number of Vertices: A tetrahedron has four vertices. A pentagonal prism has 10 vertices. Shape of Faces: In a tetrahedron, all the faces are triangular, and the angles between the faces are all 60 degrees. In a pentagonal prism, the two top and bottom faces are pentagonal (5-sided), while the other five faces are rectangular. The angles between the faces vary; for example, the angles between the rectangular faces and the pentagonal faces are not all equal. Symmetry: Tetrahedra typically have more symmetric properties compared to pentagonal prisms. Tetrahedra have rotational and reflectional symmetries that are different from those of a pentagonal prism

All pyramids have an odd number of edges?

False. In fact, the opposite is true: all pyramids have an even number of edges.

What does the term square pyramid mean?

A square pyramid is a pyramid with a square base. It has 4 outer faces, all of which are triangles, that meet at the same point perpendicular to the centre of the base. All pyramids have at least 4 faces (including the base), where the outer faces are all triangular while the base can be trilateral, quadrilateral, or any other polygon. The quadrilateral form (the square pyramid) is the most common form of pyramid, and is the form associated with the Egyptian pyramids.

What are characteristics of non polygons?

it has a number of faces, vertex and edges -- The angles are not all the same