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Q: Do all t distributions have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1?
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Does standard deviation and mean deviation measure dispersion the same?

No. The average of the deviations, or mean deviation, will always be zero. The standard deviation is the average squared deviation which is usually non-zero.

How do you know if a z score is positive or negative?

A negative Z-Score corresponds to a negative standard deviation, i.e. an observation that is less than the mean, when the standard deviation is normalized so that the standard deviation is zero when the mean is zero.

What set of seven numbers with a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of zero?

[10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10] has a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of zero.

What is the difference between a general normal curve and a standard normal curve?

A standard normal distribution has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of 1. A normal distribution can have any real number as a mean and the standard deviation must be greater than zero.

What would it mean if a standard deviation was calculated to equal 0?

A standard deviation of zero means that all the data points are the same value.

What is the relationship between the mean and standard deviation in statistics?

The 'standard deviation' in statistics or probability is a measure of how spread out the numbers are. It mathematical terms, it is the square root of the mean of the squared deviations of all the numbers in the data set from the mean of that set. It is approximately equal to the average deviation from the mean. If you have a set of values with low standard deviation, it means that in general, most of the values are close to the mean. A high standard deviation means that the values in general, differ a lot from the mean. The variance is the standard deviation squared. That is to say, the standard deviation is the square root of the variance. To calculate the variance, we simply take each number in the set and subtract it from the mean. Next square that value and do the same for each number in the set. Lastly, take the mean of all the squares. The mean of the squared deviation from the mean is the variance. The square root of the variance is the standard deviation. If you take the following data series for example, the mean for all of them is '3'. 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 all the values are 3, they're the same as the mean. The standard deviation is zero. This is because the difference from the mean is zero in each case, and after squaring and then taking the mean, the variance is zero. Last, the square root of zero is zero so the standard deviation is zero. Of note is that since you are squaring the deviations from the mean, the variance and hence the standard deviation can never be negative. 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5 - most of the values are the same as the mean. This has a low standard deviation. In this case, the standard deviation is very small since most of the difference from the mean are small. 1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 5 - all the values are two higher or two lower than the mean. This series has the highest standard deviation.

How do you create five scores with a mean of 10 and a standard deviation of 0?

Since the standard deviation is zero, the scores are all the same. And, since their mean is 10, they must all be 10.

What is a standardizing variable?

a standardizing variable is a variable that has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one .

Why use standard deviation and not average deviation?

Because the average deviation will always be zero.

Can the variance be zero?

Variance is standard deviation squared. If standard deviation can be zero then the variance can obviously be zero because zero squared is still zero. The standard deviation is equal to the sum of the squares of each data point in your data set minus the mean, all that over n. The idea is that if all of your data points are the same then the mean will be the same as every data point. If the mean is the equal to every data point then the square of each point minus the mean would be zero. All of the squared values added up would still be zero. And zero divided by n is still zero. In this case the standard deviation would be zero. Short story short: if all of the points in a data set are equal than the variance will be zero. Yes the variance can be zero.

What is considered a high standard deviation?

There's no valid answer to your question. The problem is a standard deviation can be close to zero, but there is no upper limit. So, I can make a statement that if my standard deviation is much smaller than my mean, this indicates a low standard deviation. This is somewhat subjective. But I can't make say that if my standard deviation is many times the mean value, that would be considered high. It depends on the problem at hand.

What are all the values a standard deviation can take?

The standard deviation must be greater than or equal to zero.