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Because the average deviation will always be zero.

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Q: Why use standard deviation and not average deviation?
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Does standard deviation and mean deviation measure dispersion the same?

No. The average of the deviations, or mean deviation, will always be zero. The standard deviation is the average squared deviation which is usually non-zero.

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How is standard deviation different from mean absolute decation?

If I have understood the question correctly, despite your challenging spelling, the standard deviation is the square root of the average of the squared deviations while the mean absolute deviation is the average of the deviation. One consequence of this difference is that a large deviation affects the standard deviation more than it affects the mean absolute deviation.

What is the difference between standard deviation and mean?

The mean is the average value and the standard deviation is the variation from the mean value.

Why is it a useful value to report standard deviation?

The standard deviation of a distribution is the average spread from the mean (average). If I told you I had a distribution of data with average 10000 and standard deviation 10, you'd know that most of the data is close to the middle. If I told you I had a distrubtion of data with average 10000 and standard deviation 3000, you'd know that the data in this distribution is much more spread out.

What is deviation in statistics?

Deviation, actually called "standard deviation" is, in a set of numbers, the average distance a number in that set is away from the mean, or average, number.

Sample standard deviation?

Standard deviation in statistics refers to how much deviation there is from the average or mean value. Sample deviation refers to the data that was collected from a smaller pool than the population.

When do you use the relative standard deviation instead of standard deviation?

Use %RSD when comparing the deviation for popolations with different means. Use SD to compare data with the same mean.

Is variance the square root of standard deviation?

No, you have it backwards, the standard deviation is the square root of the variance, so the variance is the standard deviation squared. Usually you find the variance first, as it is the average sum of squares of the distribution, and then find the standard deviation by squaring it.

What is the average female height and standard deviation in a given population?

The average female height in a population is the typical height of women, while the standard deviation measures how much individual heights vary from the average.

Why use the T score?

T-score is used when you don't have the population standard deviation and must use the sample standard deviation as a substitute.

What is standard deviation divided by AVERAGE net income?
