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Q: Do all the dimensions have the same measure in a cube?
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What is the volume of a cube with dimensions 4x6x3 feet?

The length, breadth and height of a cube are all the same so clearly the shape in question is not a cube. It is, in fact a cuboid and its volume is 4*6*3 = 72 cubic feet.

What is the volume of a 1 cm x 1 cm x 6 cm cube?

This volume is 6 cm3. ... And it's not a cube, it's a cuboid. The three dimensions of a cube are all the same (like 1x1x1 or 6x6x6). A cuboid is to a cube as a rectangle is to a square.

Are all the edges of a cube the same length?

They all have to be if it is a perfect cube.

How do you calculate the volume of blocks?

Height multiplied by Width multiplied by Length. Be sure all dimensions use the same unit of measure. unless object is circular

What is characteristic length of a cube?

The characteristic length of a cube refers to the length of a side of a cube. Since the length of all the sides of a cube are the same, the characteristic length refers to all sides.

If a cube measure four inches on all of it sides what is the volume of the cube in inches?

43=4*4*4=64 cubic inches

How do you understand other dimensions apart from the usual 3 dimensions you see?

like you can draw a three dimesional repesentation of a cube on a shhet of paper so we can "draw" a three dimesional representaion of the fourth dimension .It would be a cube inside a cube with all of the corners joined by a line from exteranl surface of the inner cube to the inner corner of the external cube. This in affect is a shadow of the fourth dimesion. See "Flatland" for explaination of how 2D would try to describe 3D..

How does a cube look?

A cube is a four sided figure with all the edges the same size and shape they are congruent.

Are all the sides of a cube the same length?

By definition, yes.

What shape is the base of a cube?

The base of a cube is always a square. All of the lengths of each side of a cube are the same, and every angle is 90 degrees.

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a polygon with all sides the same length and all angles the same measure is called?

How would you convert a cubic foot number into length width and depth numbers?

Without knowing two of the dimensions, this is not possible without making some assumptions. If you assume the area you're measuring is a perfect cube (all three measurements are the same) you can use the cube root. (see