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Q: Do all the dimensions have the same measure in a cube?
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Are the length width and height of a cube the same?

That is correct. All 3 dimensions of a cube are the same.

What has three dimensions with all having the same measurements?


How do you measure the volume of a cube with a ruler?

The formula for the volume of a regular solid is length x width x height. Because for a cube all these dimensions are the same, you need only measure one of these and multiply it by itself, and then by itself again.

What is Volume of cube 24by24by36in?

20736 cubic inches. It isn't a cube unless all dimensions are the same. This would be a rectangular solid.

When explaining the dimensions of a cube which measurement do you say first?

whichever you like, its a Cube, all dimensions will be the same. however if you weren't asking this as a trick question then its Height x Width x Depth

What is the volume of a cube with dimensions 4x6x3 feet?

The length, breadth and height of a cube are all the same so clearly the shape in question is not a cube. It is, in fact a cuboid and its volume is 4*6*3 = 72 cubic feet.

What is the volume of a 1 cm x 1 cm x 6 cm cube?

This volume is 6 cm3. ... And it's not a cube, it's a cuboid. The three dimensions of a cube are all the same (like 1x1x1 or 6x6x6). A cuboid is to a cube as a rectangle is to a square.

How do you find the dimensions of a cube given the volume?

Volume = length X width X height. Therefore, take the cube root of the volume to find all the dimensions

How many cubes have the volume of 24 cm cubed?

There is only one cube with that volume, because a cube has to have all sides the same, and so therefore the only cube would have the dimensions of approximately: 2.8 X 2.8 X 2.8

Are all sides the same on a cube?

Yes, all sides on a cube are the same, if they weren't then it wouldn't be a cube.

What is the formula for the cube of a rectangular box?

If you mean for the volume it is L x W x H where L = Length, H = Height, W = Width. As you are referring to a cube all dimensions would have the same value

Will all the faces be the same with a 3cm cube?

All the faces on a cube - whatever its size - must be the same. Otherwise it is not a cube.