yes but they only have extremely small eyes and a mouth. Because how and if they could eat then they would have mouths.
Names of 3D shapes 1 face: sphere 4 faces: tetrahedron/triangle based pyramid 5 faces: pentahedron/square based pyramid 6 faces: hexahedron (sexahedron)/cube/cuboid 7 faces: septahedron 8 faces: octahedron 9 faces: nonahedron 10 faces: decahedron 11 faces: undecahedron 12 faces: dodecahedron 13 faces: tridecahedron 14 faces: tetradecahedron 15 faces: pentadecahedron 16 faces: hexadecahedron (sexadecahedron) 17 faces: septadecahedron 18 faces: octadecahedron 19 faces: nonadecahedron 20 faces: icosahedron 21 faces: unicosahedron 22 faces: dicosahedron ... 29 faces: nonicosahedron 30 faces: tricontahedron 90 faces: ennacontahedron
A triangular prism has three rectangular faces and two triangular faces.
6 faces and 8 vertices.6 faces and 8 vertices.6 faces and 8 vertices.6 faces and 8 vertices.
Spheres have no faces.
anemones are spelled anemones
Anemones' are located in the sea :)
are sea anemones decomposers
sea anemones do not have shells !
Sea anemones are consumers yes.
any color at all
yes sea anemones have a nerve net.
Some sea anemones get to be 100 years old.
sea anemones live in groups
You can find sea anemones on the bottom of the Sea. Sea anemones stay in one stop there hole life.
sea anemones live in places with cold water
Anemones are asexual. Meaning they are neither male nor female. Anemones can live on their own and reproduce by budding. Basically cloning themselves and splitting.