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Short circuits.

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Q: Do fuses protect against - A short circuits B overoading C lightning surges D large ground faults?
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What does idemnity mean?

Indemnity is protection against a financial loss. An example would be when a person purchases an insurance policy to protect themselves from large financial losses due to sickness, accidents, or loss of material property.

What is hedging?

The verb to hedge can be used to mean avoiding a direct response, or it can mean counterbalancing against a possible loss (e.g. hedging one's bets). The second meaning is applied to investment strategy.Hedging is a process that is used to reduce risk of loss against negative outcomes within the stock market. Hedging is a similar concept to home insurance, where you might protect yourself against negative outcomes by purchasing fire and peril insurance. The only difference with hedging is that you are insuring against market risks and you are never fully compensated for your loss. This occurs when one investment is hedged through the purchase of another investment. Hedging is most useful under the following circumstances:- Those who have commodity investment that are subject to price movements can use hedging as a risk management technique- Hedging helps set a price level for purchase or sale of an asset prior to that transaction occurring- Hedging also makes it possible to experience gains from any upward price fluctuations to protect against downward price movements.

Does the word Republican appear in the Constitution?

Yes. Section 4 of Article IV reads: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence." Note that "Republican" refers to the type of government (a "Republican Form of Government" as versus, say, a "Dictatorial Form of Government") and not the Republican Party.

If you are going 50 miles per hour and crash will a helmet protect you?

what you have to consider here is that the helmet may keep your skull from cracking or braking. But while the helmet protects the skull as it is stopped suddenly (when you crash) the brain inside the skull continues to travel at 50mph and crashes against the inside of the skull, and this may kill you.

What are the function of a forest?

to protect an endangered animal or plants

Related questions

How does a circuit breaker help to protect against short circuits and circuit overloads?

See Related Link

Does lightning protect?

No lightning cant protect it only destroys.

What meaning mcb?

MCB, Miniature Circuit Breaker is electric switch which is used to protect against short circuits

What is virestor?

Varistors are often used to protect circuits against excessive transient voltages by incorporating them into the circuit in such a way that, when triggered

What does landlord insurance protect against?

Landlord insurance can protect against disasters that would cost money for the landlords complex. These disasters can include fire, lightning, explosions, earthquakes, storms and floods. However, it varies between policies.

Can parallel circuits be used instead of fuses?

No. Parallel circuits are not fuses. Fuses can be used to protect parallel circuits.

How do people protect themselves by lightning?

stay inside away from the lightning.

Can a 2 pole breaker to protect 1 phase circuits and 2 phase circuits?


What do you need to do when lightning?

Protect the high buildings, structures from lightning using lightning spike, lightning mast , earth wire.

What device protects system against lightning strikes but does not protect against Sags and brownouts?

Surge protectors are devices that protect systems against lightning strikes by diverting excess voltage to the ground. However, surge protectors are not designed to protect against sags and brownouts, which are characterized by a decrease in voltage levels. To safeguard against sags and brownouts, a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) or voltage regulator may be necessary.

Why protect low resistance rheostat?

To prevent damage from overheating due to excessive current flow, protect against short circuits, and ensure safe operation and longevity of the electrical circuit.

Who invented the lightning rod which helped protect building from lightning?

Benjamin Francklin