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Q: Why are there different sizes of fuses?
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Where can you buy fuses for a 2003 BMW 325I?

Fuses are generic, you can get them from any auto parts store, their different ratings and sizes( 10, 20, 30 amps-mini, maxi, ato fuses)

What are the name of the car fuses?

There are afew different sizes of fuses. Buss is a company that is known for making replacement fuses for just about anything. Wal-Mart generally carries any fuse you could ever need.

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Why do fuses come in different sizes?

Fuses come in different sizes to accommodate varying levels of electrical current. The size of a fuse is determined by its ability to handle a specific amount of current before breaking and preventing damage to the electrical circuit. Using the correct size fuse helps protect the circuit from overloading and potential fire hazards.

Why do you have different sized fuses for different appliances?

because of fuses are good

Are all car fuses the same?

No there are many types and sizes of fuses - you should use the correct size fuse whatever you are doing.

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why are raindrops different sizes?

Why are shapes and sizes of cell different?

Cells are different shapes and sizes because they have different functions. The functions dictate the shapes and sizes.

What fuses for Plymouth Breeze?

Pull out the bad fuse. Take the fuse with you to your local parts store and compare the fuse in your hand with the ones available for sale. Make sure to check size, not just amperage. There are 2 different sizes of 20 amp fuse out there. A 1999 takes the smaller fuses.

Why are euros different sizes?

They are different sizes to aid the blind/visually impaired

Does a trampoline enclosure come in different sizes?

Yes they in fact go come in different sizes to accommodate the different sizes of trampolines. There are also some which are adjustable as well.

Can a square with different sizes have the same perimiter?

There's no such thing as "a square with different sizes". I'm thinking that youmust have meant "two squares with different sizes". The answer is still "no".