Yes. The cube has 6 faces. Whichever one you set it down on, it's sitting on a square.
A triangular prism that is sitting on one of its rectangular faces MUST have a slanted top!
You cannot since the triangular prism has faces meeting at 60 degrees - all the faces of a cube meet at right angles. You can have small cubes sitting within a triangular prism but they cannot "fit" into it.
Names of 3D shapes 1 face: sphere 4 faces: tetrahedron/triangle based pyramid 5 faces: pentahedron/square based pyramid 6 faces: hexahedron (sexahedron)/cube/cuboid 7 faces: septahedron 8 faces: octahedron 9 faces: nonahedron 10 faces: decahedron 11 faces: undecahedron 12 faces: dodecahedron 13 faces: tridecahedron 14 faces: tetradecahedron 15 faces: pentadecahedron 16 faces: hexadecahedron (sexadecahedron) 17 faces: septadecahedron 18 faces: octadecahedron 19 faces: nonadecahedron 20 faces: icosahedron 21 faces: unicosahedron 22 faces: dicosahedron ... 29 faces: nonicosahedron 30 faces: tricontahedron 90 faces: ennacontahedron
Hair chests, legs, arms, and faces. They give live births being mammals, and they enjoy sitting in trees eating bananas :)
To be honest, a lot of girls don't enjoy sexting. They do it to please guys they like, or because they are blackmailed into it. But sometimes, girls do enjoy it, in the same way that men enjoy it.
The girls' bags were sitting on the wall.
Cats enjoy sitting next to their owners because it makes them feel safe, secure, and loved. They also enjoy the warmth and companionship that being close to their human provides.
Yes I think so. Both of my girlfriends have always slapped mr on the leg when I'm sitting next to them.. It's just there way a flirting with you.
Most girls do enjoy talking about hteir feelings, they like to talk.
Yes girls do like this.
We enjoy Boys/girls or somtimes both !
Some girls enjoy laser tag, just as some girls enjoy most any sport or activity. Some will not.
There aren't really faces, but we humans enjoy seeing forms in smoke, as we do in clouds.
Girls enjoy hurting other girls, sometimes to get even or to get revenge. Some just do it for the heck of it. And there are soem girls who are upset with their own lives and decide to take it out on everyone else.
if your sitting down