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Q: Do identical twins feed off the same placenta?
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Do identical or non-identical twins share a placenta?

do identical or non identical twins share the same placenta

Are twins sharing same placenta identical?

no they do not.

Why do fraternal twins have their own placenta?

Identical twins may or may not share the same placenta . Identical twins develop when a fertilized egg splits. Depending on when the split occurs will determine if the twins share a placenta, with either one or two chorions and amnions, or if they each develop their own placentas.

What is the difference between idetical and non idetical twins in the way they are found?

The difference between Identical and Non-Identical twins is that Identical twins share the same placenta and are basically identical to one another. Non-Identical twins do not share the same placenta in the womb and two eggs fertilized at time of conception as opposed to one egg splitting in the case of Identical twins. I think that covers the basics. Hope this has clarified things for you.

Does 2 sacs and one placenta mean fraternal twins?

No, 2 sacs and one placenta usually indicates the twins are identical, or monozygotic twins. Fraternal twins, or dizygotic twins, typically have separate placentas as well as separate sacs.

What is the genetic difference between identical and non identical twins?

Identical twins (monozygotic) share 100% of their DNA, as they develop from the same fertilized egg splitting into two embryos. Non-identical twins (dizygotic) develop from two separate eggs fertilized by two different sperm, resulting in around 50% shared DNA, similar to other siblings.

How Do Fraternal Twins Occur and Identical Twins Occur?

Fraternal twins occur when two separate eggs are fertilized by two different sperm cells. Identical twins occur when a single fertilized egg splits into two embryos, which then develop into two genetically identical individuals.

How are twins identical?

Twins are identical because they come from the same egg.

If I had identical twins 3 years ago what are my changes of having another set of identical twins?

The same as when you had the first set of identical twins.

Was Esau and Jacob identical twins?

No, Esau and Jacob were not identical twins. They were fraternal twins, meaning they were born from the same pregnancy but did not have the same genetic makeup.

Are simmes twins identical?

Yes, if the Sims twins are identical, they will have the same appearance and share the same DNA. Non-identical Sims twins are known as fraternal twins and do not share the same DNA, similar to real-life twins.

Do twins have the same DNA?

identical twins do. just not the same fingerprints.