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Identical twins develop from the same egg, so have the same DNA. The only thing different between identical twins is finger prints, and retinal patterns.

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Q: What percent of genetic makeup is shared by identical twins?
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Do identical twins have more or less similarities in personalities when they are apart or together?

Identical twins tend to have similar personalities whether they are together or apart due to their shared genetic makeup. However, environmental factors and life experiences can still shape their individual differences over time. Overall, the genetic predispositions of identical twins contribute to their similarities in personality traits.

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Identical twins typically have very similar levels of intelligence due to their shared genetic makeup. However, environmental factors can still play a role in shaping their individual intelligence levels. Twins raised in different environments may show differences in their intelligence levels.

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They are as similar as any other two siblings.

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Identical twins may share similar interests due to their genetic makeup and shared environment. However, they are still individuals with unique preferences and personalities, so it is not guaranteed that they will have all the same interests.

How can a mutation cause identical twins to look different?

A mutation that occurs after the fertilization of an egg can lead to differences in DNA between identical twins, resulting in variations in characteristics such as appearance. These genetic differences can influence factors like gene expression and protein production, leading to diverse physical traits even though the twins originally shared the same genetic makeup.

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Organisms may have similar structures due to shared ancestry and evolutionary constraints, but changes in their genetic makeup can lead to different functions. This allows organisms to adapt to different environments and ecological niches, optimizing their survival and reproduction. Thus, even with the same structure, organisms can exhibit diverse functions based on their genetic makeup and environmental interactions.

Why do identical twins have matching fingerprints?

Identical twins share the same DNA, which determines the patterns of their fingerprints. While fingerprint patterns are influenced by genetic and environmental factors, the similarities in the genetic makeup between identical twins result in their fingerprints being nearly indistinguishable.

What shared factors makeup a culture?

language, belifes, same regoin

If identical twins marry identical twins could at least some of their kids look like twins having similar fingerprints?

While the children of identical twins would genetically be cousins rather than siblings, it is still possible for them to resemble each other due to shared genes from their parents' identical genetic makeup. However, it is highly unlikely that they would have identical fingerprints since fingerprints are unique even among identical twins.

How are humans and chimpanzees related in terms of their genetic similarities and evolutionary history?

Humans and chimpanzees share about 98 of their DNA, indicating a close genetic relationship. Both species evolved from a common ancestor millions of years ago, branching off into separate evolutionary paths. This shared ancestry is evident in similarities in physical traits, behaviors, and genetic makeup between humans and chimpanzees.

What does it mean if organisms have classification groups in common?

Organisms with classification groups in common are likely to share evolutionary relationships and ancestry. This indicates that they have similarities in their genetic makeup, morphology, and other characteristics that enable scientists to group them together based on shared traits.