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Q: Do more people smoke now than 10 years ago?
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How are infants affected by smoke?

its the same as people over 24 years of age, except it is more enforced on people younger than 24 D:

Do more people smoke weed than people who dont?

No, more people do not smoke weed than people who don't. According to studies, the majority of the global population does not use marijuana or any other recreational drugs.

How many young people smoke everyday?

More than you would think.

What happened what people smoke?

You can get cancer, and your skin ages more than usual.

Did people smoke in the Bible?

Tobacco was found in the Americas more than a thousand years after the Bible was written, and only then brought back to Europe. The people of biblical times had no concept of smoking tobacco.

Number of people who smoke marijuana in Maryand?

More than half of the populationof Maryland =) More than half of the populationof Maryland =)

Does lyla smoke?

yes smokes more than 2 million people a day

How many people smoke every year?

There are approximately 78,000,000 people that smoke cigarettes in the United States. The worldwide number is estimated to be more than 1 billion.

I am doing a project about smoking. Do you know how many people on average smoke in Houston?

More than will admit to it!

Do women smoke more than men in Canada?

no on average men smoke more then women

Why do people living in cities suffer from respiratory diseases more than the rural areas?

1. there is pollution 2. many people smoke

What kills you faster smoking weed or smoking cigarettes?

Generally speaking, smoking tobacco cigarettes will kill you faster. Although much controvery still surrounds the safety of smoking tobacco cigarettes vs marijuana, people who smoke tobacco cigarettes generally smoke ALOT more than people who smoke marijuana (few people smoke 20 joints or bowls a day, but MANY people smoke 20 cigarettes a day). This factor alone makes smoking tobacco cigarettes MUCH more hazardous than smoking marijuana.