Yes, technically, since -9 x -1 = 9 In general, we don't list negative factors of positive numbers. We do list negative factors of negative numbers.
Yes, technically, since -2 x -2 = 2. We generally don't use negative factors of positive numbers. We do list negative factors of negative numbers.
Sure. (-5) times (-7) = +35
Yes, technically, since -7 x -4 = 28. We do not generally list negative factors for positive numbers. We do list negative factors for negative numbers.
Yes. In multiplication, the product is positive if the factors have the same sign,and the product is negative if they have oppositesigns.
All numbers have factors. The factors that are positive numbers are known as positive factors.
Prime numbers have two factors. Negative numbers, with the exception of negative 1, have more than two factors.
The same way as finding factors of positive numbers but the answer includes both the positive and negative factors.
Yes, technically, since -9 x -1 = 9 In general, we don't list negative factors of positive numbers. We do list negative factors of negative numbers.
Yes, technically, since -2 x -2 = 2. We generally don't use negative factors of positive numbers. We do list negative factors of negative numbers.
If you are multiplying negative numbers, an odd number of factors will have a negative product. An even number of factors will have a positive product.
Since negative numbers also have positive factors, their GCF would be the same as if the original numbers were positive.
Only if an odd number of the factors are negative numbers.
We generally don't consider negative factors of positive numbers. The negative factors of -500 are a duplicate set of the set of positive factors -- just with minus signs.
Sure. (-5) times (-7) = +35
Yes, technically, since -7 x -4 = 28. We do not generally list negative factors for positive numbers. We do list negative factors for negative numbers.
There isn't one. Negative numbers have prime factors and numbers don't stop. The smallest positive numbers with a prime factor is 2.