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Yes because perpendicular line our made out of lines that go on forever so yah it has to have arrows

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Q: Do perpendicular lines have arrows at the end?
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What is the difference between perpendicular lines and perpendicular line segments?

Lines have no end (stretch on forever) Line segments start and end.

Does a cylinder have any perpendicular lines?

no because perpendicular lines meet and form a right angle and as a cylinder is round, it can't. the only perpendicular line you can make on a cylinder is a line that starts at one end or the other and is perpendicular to the end of the cylinder and therefore runs along the entirety of the side

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= parallel + perpendicular As such no, perpendicular lines do not naturally have parallel lines. However...connect the lines in the symbols below. ++ ++ And you'll have 4 perpendicular lines, and 4 parallel lines.

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These lines are perpendicular: _|

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Lines that intersect at 90 degrees are perpendicular lines

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A rhombus has parallel lines but no perpendicular lines.

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Does a cube have perpendicular lines?

I believe they do, and they have 2 perpendicular lines.