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Q: Do rectangles have perpendicular bisectors
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Related questions

How many perpendicular bisectors does an equilateral triangle have?

Equilateral triangles have 3 perpendicular bisectors

Are diagonals on a parallelogram perpendicular bisectors?

No, they are just bisectors. The angle between them is not (usually) the 90o required to be perpendicular.

The diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular bisectors of one another?

True, the diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular bisectors of one another.

What quadrilateral does not have perpendicular bisectors?


The perpendicular bisectors of a triangle all pass through what point?

all three perpendicular bisectors elongate to meet at the incenter of the triangle.

What kind of parellogram is it If the diagonals of a parallelogram are congruent and are perpendicular bisectors of each other?

If the diagonals are congruent and are perpendicular bisectors of each other then the parallelogram is a square. If the diagonals are not congruent but are perpendicular bisectors of each other then the figure would be a rhombus.

What type of triangle has 3 angle bisectors that are also perpendicular bisectors?

equilateral triangle

Which type of triangle will always have 3 angle bisectors that are also perpendicular bisectors?


Do the perpendicular bisectors of a triangle always sometimes or never intersect on the triangle?

The perpendicular bisectors only intersect on the triangle when it is an isosceles right triangle.

What is the intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of a triangle?


Are perpendicular bisectors in triangles lines?


What are perpendicular bisectors?

A line that is perpendicular to the segment of a plane and passes through the midpoint.