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Q: Do space scientist need to know a lot of math?
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How will Math classes help in your future?

Most of the things you will do will require some math. If you want new drapes for your house you will need to know how to measure for it and to do area. Your paycheck requires math as well as your budget. Taxes require math. If you want to know how many gallons to a mile you get in your car you need math. Cooking requires math. Suppose you want to double a recipe you need math. Ignorance in any area guarantees that you will have problems in everyday life. You don't need to be a rocket scientist but you do need to know basic math.

What is being a scientist have to do by using math?

Being a scientist has alot to do with math. When a person does an expirnment the have to figure iut how much water they need to pour in a jar.If my answer does not make sense to you please just ask your science and or your math teacher!

What job in the CIA do you need to know math in?

You need math for everything weather its a job in the CIA or even a grabage man, you need math no matter where you go math is always there sometimes you would recongize it and sometimes you won't.

How do you apply maths in our daily life?

Math is basically needed in counting and computations. When you want to know the measurements of something like weights, heights, widths, lengths, distances, etc., you need math. When you want to know the your change when you buy something, you need math. In computing grades, you need math. In getting statistical data like age, population, areas, volumes, etc., you need math. You need math in almost anything that you do.

What is better math or science?

In my opinion, science is good because you need to know math to solve equations. Hence, you need both.

Related questions

Do anstronauts need math?

yes anstronauts need math so they can know where they are going in space.

What is the relation between math and space?

Math needs space but space dont need math...kudos....

How will Math classes help in your future?

Most of the things you will do will require some math. If you want new drapes for your house you will need to know how to measure for it and to do area. Your paycheck requires math as well as your budget. Taxes require math. If you want to know how many gallons to a mile you get in your car you need math. Cooking requires math. Suppose you want to double a recipe you need math. Ignorance in any area guarantees that you will have problems in everyday life. You don't need to be a rocket scientist but you do need to know basic math.

How much math does a writer need to know?

Writers do not need to know math to succeed.

What is being a scientist have to do by using math?

Being a scientist has alot to do with math. When a person does an expirnment the have to figure iut how much water they need to pour in a jar.If my answer does not make sense to you please just ask your science and or your math teacher!

How much algebra do rocket scientist need?

i think quite alot because you need to do math and stuff.

What is the answer to the math challenge?

What math test is it? I need to know to answer.

Is mathletics dumb?

No. You need to know it. If you go to the store you need to know how to read the prices and to figure out if you have enough money to buy what you want. Someday you will want a house or a car so math is needed in both of those things. If you want to measure for drapes or rugs you need math. To balance your checkbook you need math, to make change or get change you need math, to do your taxes you need math, to cook you need math, to know what kind of gas mileage you get you need math, to sew you need math, to frame a picture you need math, to figure your GPA you need math. Math is used for just about everything.

What Scientists think about 2012?

I am a space scientist at NASA and we all know that this is not true that the world will not end. If you need proof about this go to ''David Morrison'' on you tube.

What Kind Of Degree Do You Need To Become A Scientist?

The kind of degree oyu need is a bachalors degree in math and science

What you should take as major to become robotic scientist in mechanical engineering?

A mechanical engineer is not a scientist, they just implement the knowledge of the scientist in design. If you want to become a robotics scientist, you will need as much math and physics classes you can take. Focus on mechanics and higher level math classes.

Famous ornithology scientist?

all i need to know is if there is a famouse scientist in ornithology??