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Q: Do string constants represent numerical values?
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What Are facts about Constant?

Constant is a mathematical term that refers to a fixed value that does not change. In algebraic equations, constants are letters or symbols that represent specific numerical values. Constants can be added, subtracted, multiplied or divided in equations to generate different results.

What are constants and how are they are different from varibles?

Constants are numerical values which are fixed but which may or may not be known. Variables are also numerical but may take a range of values. If a variable appears in an equation or inequality), it may be possible to solve the equation to ascertain the value of the variable.

What do you use decimals for?

Represent numerical values.

What is the term that refers to the opposite of a constant?

The term that refers to the opposite of a constant is a variable. In mathematics, variables are symbols used to represent unknown or changing values, as opposed to constants which represent fixed values.

What is a set of numerical data?

In statistics numerical data is quantitative rather than qualitative.

Why should you use constant value in physics and chemistry?

Physical constants are used for two main reasons. First, the quantitative predictions depend on the numerical values of the constants. An accurate knowledge of their values is therefore essential to achieve an accurate quantitative description of the physical universe. Second, the careful study of these constants can in turn test the overall consistency and correctness of the basic theories of physics themselves.

How to turn ratios to numerical values?

Ratios ARE numerical.

What is the definition of symbolic constants in c language?

constants are values that does not chnage through out the program exceution..

What is the difference between a numerical and an algebraic expressions?

A numerical expression uses numbers and operations. It also has an equal sign. An algebraic expression uses variables and operations. Unlike a numerical expression it does not have an equal sign.

What is the use of constants and variables in programs?

to store values

A quanity that can have more than a single value is called?

A quantity that can have more than a single value is called a variable. In mathematics, variables represent unknown or changing values that can take on different numerical values.

What is meant by tokens in C?

In a C program the smallest individual unit is called token and C language consists of following tokens:- 1> Identifiers: These are user defined name used to represent program elements such as function names, variables, structures etc. 2> Keywords: These are reserved words which are initially defined in the C compiler. 3> Constants: Constants are fixed values which do not change during program execution. 4> String Literals: It is a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotation marks (" "). 5> Operators: They represent an operation on C variables. Etc.