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Yes. The only thing that can affect the speed of either object is air resistance. If there's none,

or if it's very small, then they fall with the same acceleration and land at the same time with

the same speed, no matter what their masses are.

A large amount of air resistnce with only a small increase in mass is introduced when a parachute is used. A parachute would be totally ineffective on the moon (no atmosphere, so no resistance)

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Q: Do two objects dropped on earth land at the same time if they have different mass?
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When dropping objects with different masses which object will land first?

In the absence of air resistance, objects of different masses will land at the same time when dropped from the same height. This is due to the acceleration due to gravity being constant for all objects near the surface of the Earth.

When two objects of the same mass drop from different heights do they land at the same time?

Yes, in the absence of air resistance, objects of the same mass will land at the same time regardless of the height from which they are dropped. This is because the acceleration due to gravity is constant and independent of mass.

Why do objects with the same mass land at the same time?

Objects with the same mass land at the same time because in the absence of air resistance, gravity accelerates all objects equally regardless of their mass. This means that they will reach the ground at the same time when dropped from the same height.

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Because it didnt fell like being in the same place. lol

Two objects with different weights are dropped at the same time which lands first?

In a vacuum, they always land at the same time. In air, it's not so much the weight but the air resistance. If the shape and density are about the same, then the difference in weight doesn't make any difference.

Why does a rock and crumbled up paper fall and land at the same time?

The acceleration due to gravity is constant for all objects near the Earth's surface, regardless of their mass or size. This means that a heavier rock and a lighter piece of crumbled paper will fall and land at the same time when dropped from the same height.

If you drop two objects of the same weight which will land first?

If two objects of the same weight are dropped from the same height in a vacuum (without air resistance), they will land at the same time. This is known as the principle of equivalence in physics put forth by Galileo.

How are the structures of the moon and the earth different?

earth has a spherical shape a vast land...moon which has craters..

Why is Antarctica different from Earth?

Antarctica is not different from Earth; Antarctica is part of the Earth, the fifth largest of seven continents that make up the land mass of the planet.

Why do two objects of different mass land at the same time?

Two objects of different masses land at the same time in a vacuum because gravity affects all objects equally regardless of their mass. The acceleration due to gravity is the same for both objects, causing them to fall at the same rate and reach the ground simultaneously. This concept is famously demonstrated by Galileo's experiment at the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

If you dropped a brick a tennis ball and a feather from a building on the Moon in what order would they land?

They would land in the same order in which I dropped them. If I dropped them all at the same instant,then they would all land at the same instant. The same can be said for a truck, a cinder block, and a hair.

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