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Q: Do two perpendicular lines create four right angles?
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Can 2 perpendicular lines create four right angles?

Yes. Two perpedicular lines create four right angles in a cross or addition sign +. those two lines are perpendicular, and four right angles are created.

What lin creates a right angle?

Perpendicular lines create right angles

ARE Acute angles are formed by perpendicular lines?

No. Perpendicular lines for right angles. That is why they are called perpendicular.

What is the if-then form for perpendicular lines intersect at right angles?

If two lines intersect at right angles then they are perpendicular!

Two lines meet at right angles are?

Two straight lines that meet at right angles are perpendicular.

Do 2 perpendicular lines always form right angles?

By definition, perpendicular lines form right angles.

What are lines that meat at right angles?

Perpendicular lines meet at right angles

What is formed by perpendicular lines?

Perpendicular lines formed right angles.

What is a sentence for perpendicular lines?

Perpendicular lines form right angles

Can you show me a example of a perpendicular question?

When straight lines are perpendicular to each other they create right angles of 90 degrees

What is the contra positive of this statement of two lines intersect to form right angles then they are perpendicular?

The contrapositive to the statement, "if two lines intersect to form right angles, then they are perpendicular," is "if two lines are not perpendicular, then they do not form right angles."

How many right angles do perpendicular lines make?

Perpendicular lines make four 90 degree angles otherwise known as right angles.