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I disagree.

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Q: Do you agree or disagree with david hume's assesment that we can know the external world with neither certainty nor any probability?
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What is the meaning of internal assessment As in a school or college?

Internal assesment means being assessd or evaluated for a test by the internal staff of school or college. No external authority or office is able to interfere for your internal assesment. The only governing authority in this case is the headmaster of your school or college or your examiner.

Definition of cumulative risk?

Probability that an event might occur, that increases as a result of added circumstances (increasing property, accumulating problems over time, external events), rather than a constant probability (such as being struck by lightning)

Is probability an exact science?

Probability means the name itself it explains.... Well, we can tell probability is an exact science only when, the data and logic and external dependent variables are exactly defined before going to calculation... If we do all the above exactly, the result will give exact chance or probability....for your need.. But in reality it is very hard to obey all the formulations of data in a series...only experts can do... I am also like to enjoy the real exact probability theory...

What is the probability that it will not be black?

That would be based upon the remainder of the probability it could be anything else, depending upon all of the other choices (red, white, yellow, Caucasian...). For example, if there is a 99 percent chance it's white, and the only two choices are white or black, and there are no external constraints that prevent it from being less than random, there would be a 1 percent probability it would be black.

Why does the mode of fertilization correlate to a large degree with the presence or absence of male parental care?

Certainty of paternity is higher with external fertilization. The answers are in the back of your AP Biology book; this one was found on pg-A 41 in the 8th edition.

How is the term 'opinion' defined?

An opinion is an idea that is thought to be true. Opinions are different from facts since they are not grounded in absolute certainty and provide no direct evidence or proof. Since they are not grounded in absolute certainty and provide no direct evidence or proof, they can be contested and proven to be false or wrong. There is always competition among opinions since they are one person's way of thinking and subjective because they come from inside a person's mind and not from the external reality outside the mind.

System concept and its different types of systems in MIS?

There can be different phenomenons for types of system but it can be broadly classified as * determinist / probability * close/open Determinist system is when there is complete cetainity about data and facts.Chances of error is minimumEgComputer system .Probability system works under probable behaviour.Chances of error arte there.Eg. Human system. Close system :It is self sufficient and need no interaction with external surrounding.Eg. chemical reactions. Open System External environment play a vital role in such system.Eg Biological system.

Likert scale questionnaire for measuring internal and external locus of control by Julian Rotter?

Assessment could include statements reflecting beliefs about control over one’s life (internal locus) and control by external forces (external locus). Participants rate their agreement on a scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree, indicating their perception of control. Scores are analyzed to determine the degree of internal versus external locus of control in individuals.

Why is a external skeleton called external?

External, meaning outside. Thus, Outside(External) Skeleton.

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Michael Meredith Swann has written: 'Certainty and purpose, a university dilemma' -- subject(s): Higher Education 'Education for all' -- subject(s): Education, Minorities 'Are the lamps going out?' -- subject(s): Addresses, essays, lectures, Freedom of information 'The BBC's External Services under threat?' -- subject(s): Addresses, essays, lectures, British Broadcasting Corporation, British Broadcasting Corporation. External Services

What is the comparative and superlative of external?

more external, most external

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the reproduction of frogs are external fertilization. By Crystal