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Q: Do you have to buy monthly minutes even you have not used up all your minutes from prior month?
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Monthly cost of food?

It depends on your diet but the avrege American sprends 200$ in food cost a month. But i have of people even spending 30$ per month for food.

I need to find out about the best cell phone plans.?

I suggest T-mobile cell phone plans. The 1000 minutes per month (free nights and weekends) only cost $39.99. Even if you add unlimited text messages ($5/month) and another line for your significant other ($10/month), your monthly phone bill will still be well below $80 after taxes.

What is a typical monthly fee for monitored emergency alert systems?

Monthly fees for monitored emergency alert systems ranges from free to $20 a month. ADT can even build them in as a feature your home security system.

Do you have topay a month for i pod touch?

nooo its just like any other game thing you just buy it you dont have monthly fees even if you use the internet or do whatever

Is it true that if you pay a creditor whatever you can afford each month even if it's less than your monthly minimumm they won't be able to get a judgment on you?

If you contact and work with the creditor and the creditor agrees.

How often should you do a bank reconcilation?

It depends on how big the turnover of the account is and when the Bank produces the Bank Statements for you. If the number items of income and expenditure going through the account are only a few in a month then do it monthly. If there are a lot then you might want to consider doing it fortnightly or even weekly. If the Bank only produces statements for you on a monthly basis then you are probably stuck with doing it monthly.

What is the loses of using mobile phone?

The price of plans can get very very expensive! but, you can lower the price of your monthly plan from 100$ monthly to 20$ monthly or even 10$ monthly.

How to Pay Off Your Car Loan Early?

The earliest way to pay off your car loan early is to pay a little above your monthly payment each and every month. The majority of your monthly payment, especially during the early months, goes toward paying interest and financing fees. Even paying a small amount extra can be the equivalent of making two payments that month. Additionally, these small payments add up over time. Paying an extra 10% each month means that in less than one year, you will have already shaved off one monthly payment.

How much does your nail grow in a minute?

So little you can't even measure it. A nail only grows about 3mm per month. There are 43,200 minutes in a 30-day month, so 3mm divided by 43,200 is not very much.

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When does heroin start to take affect?

Intraveinously: Within 5-20 seconds. Orally: Usually within 15-45 minutes, sometimes longer if you've eaten prior to consuming the drug. Nasally/Insufflated: Within 5-10 minutes, sometimes even earlier.

Does prior rhyme with altered?

no, not even close