To divide fractions, you multiply by the reciprocal. For example,
3/4 (divided by) 3/4 would be converted to 3/4 (divided by) 4/3, you just flip the second fraction and multiply as you normally would if you were multiplying them.
When you divide fractions you need to multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor. You would also use it anytime the multiplicative inverse is required.
The inverse of the fraction.
When you divide by fractions, you invert and multiply.
In order to divide two fractions, multiply the first times the reciprocal of the second.
" ... multiply by the RECIPROCAL of the divisor.
multiply and divide fractions!-.-
The inverse or opposite of the operation of multiply is divide. So the inverse operation of multiply by 24 would be to divide by 24 or multiply by the inverse of the number (1/24).
Multiply by its inverse.
When you divide fractions you need to multiply by the reciprocal of the divisor. You would also use it anytime the multiplicative inverse is required.
Multiply -4.
The inverse of the fraction.
When you divide by fractions, you invert and multiply.
Divide by -6.
When you add or subtract fractions you cross multiply and when you multiply or divide fractions you across multiply.
invert and multiply
Me is actually not impossible divide fractions. You just take the reciprocal of the dividend and multiply.
In order to divide two fractions, multiply the first times the reciprocal of the second.