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Q: Do you need a negative preddure room when giving Pentamidine?
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How long before giving birth would a meth user need to quit in order for the placenta to test negative for drugs?

You chose to get pregnant and carry the child to term as a meth user and now you want to quit so you won't test positive for drugs after giving birth. You are an idiot.

How is a negative times a negative a positive?

the thing is that when there are two negatives you need to cross out those which will give positive times positive equals positive. this is the rule that you need to learn it. negative*negative=positive positive*positive=positive negative*positive=negative The same thing for devision

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Charitable giving is giving without receiving. Its purpose is to help people or organizations that need help funding themselves.

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To change negative self talk you need to think positive. You may need to get out more and be with friends and family.

What type of blood does a kidney donor need to donate to a person with ab negative blood?

AB negative, A negative, B negative, O negative. Type AB is a universal receiver.

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You need to disconnect the negative FIRST. For most applications, you only need to disconnect the negative. Always disconnect the negative first, always reconnect the positive first.

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by giving you a place to do what you need to do

How do you use the word giving in a sentence?

I was giving your mother a hand with chores then your sister threw a sea fish at my t.v

Why do need a negative sign in Darcy's law?

The negative sign in the equation is conventional and is added because the pressure gradient is negative in thedirection of flow

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it is negative 41. all you need to do is add 25+16 and you know that it's already inthe negatives so it is negative 41.