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Q: Do you put periods at the end of a bullet point?
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How can you use a compass to draw a circle if you know its raduis or diameter?

If you know the radius place the compass point on a ruler and the pencil end the radius distance away from it. Then put the point on the paper and spin to draw the circle. If you know the diameter divide by two to get the radius and place the compass point on a ruler and the pencil end the radius distance away from it. Then put the point on the paper and spin to draw the circle.

What does box and whiskers mean for mathematics?

it means the middle number in upper half of the data a box and whisker plot is a line with a box and has 3 points on box ;; median in middle, lower quartile on left point, and upper quartile on left point. on the end of the line on the left put your lower extreme ;; and on the end of the line on the right put your upper extreme.

How do you use a ruler and compass to construct an equilateral triangle with sides of lingth 6 cm?

Draw a straight line 6cm long. Put the compass point at one end of the line and extend the compass to the other end of the line. Draw an arc of this radius from each end of the line, Join the point where the arcs intersect to each end of the the line and ypu have your equilateral triangle.

How can you multiply a decimal times a whole number?

-- Ignore the decimal point; just multiply the two whole numbers. -- After the multiplication is done, put the decimal point back into the product. Put it in the right place so that the product has as many digits after the point as the original decimal had. If there aren't enough digits in the product to do that, add some zeros to the left end of it.

How do you put a point on a pencil?

You sharpen the pencil to put a point on it. Before sharpeners and when pencil wood was much thicker, men cut (whittled) the wood with a knife to make the point.

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How do you put origanal bullet strings on your guitar?

You just thread them in like regular ball-end strings.For the record; I looooove bullet strings. Good choice.

Should i Space twice after a exclamation point?

The correct answer to your question depends on your writing style. If you usually put one space after a period when you are typing (as I have done), then you would put one space after an exclamation point. If you usually put two spaces after periods, put two spaces after the exclamation point. In short, treat the exclamation point like a period or question mark.

What is 26888000 in decimals?

It is 26888000 and there is no need to put a decimal point at the end.

Where do i put the exclamation point in the sentence i am yours god?

At the end of the sentence.

Can you put the word bullet in to a sentence?

1. The super spy narrowly missed the bullet. 2. The car was covered with bullet holes.

Is it safe to put a Nerf bullet in your butt?


If you were ending a sentence with the words US do you have to put two periods or one?

To answer your question. You will have to put TWO periods.

Do you put periods in an ode?

In traditional odes, periods are not typically used at the end of each line. However, modern poets may choose to use periods for stylistic or grammatical purposes in their odes. Ultimately, it depends on the poet's preference and the desired effect of the poem.

How do you insert a bullet point?

depends on the version: on MSW 2007: click on the three dots in the paragraph tab under home, you can also add a bullet point by going to insert, then to symbol and selecting the bullet point of your choice

What punctuation you put at the end of surprise sentences?

You can use an exclamation point to show surprise at the end of a sentence!

What Is the name of the song that goes put yourself between a bullet and a target?

Bullet and a target by citizen cope

How do you insert bullets into the magazine of a 9mm Beretta?

k first off you need the magazine in one hand facing a way from you take the bullet and push down the spring and just put in your bullet ( how to put it in:) put the bullet stright up such as: ,and then push down until you don't see the casing just the bullet and push front words and your bullet should be in your magazine!