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To show a repeating decimal you put a dot above the digit that repeats.

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Q: Do you put repeating sign over 6.667?
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How do you divide 13 over 3 in simplest form?

13 __ 3 _ _ 4.3 the over the 3 means repeating because the answer is 4.333333333333... so to simplify that would be to put the repeating sign over it.

How do you convert percent with repetend sign to fraction?

Count the number of digits in the repeating part and put it over that number of nines eg 17.3 repeater, there is only one repeating digit so put the 3 over one 9 and you get 1/3 or 1.142857142857 there are 6 digits in the repeating part so 142857/999999 = 1/7

How do you write the repeat sign in math?

You put the line over the number at the end of the decimal, number, or pattern that you want to keep keep repeating infinitely.

How do you put 2.6667 into a fraction?

anything to the left of the decimal is a whole number (# > 1). anything to the right of the decimal is not a whole and therefore a fraction (# < 1). .6667 = 6667/10000 (number ends on the 10000th place to the right of the decimal) so, 2.6667 is 2 and 6667/10000. or... (whole # x (denominator)) + numerator) = numerator = 2 (10000) +6667 = 26667 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- denominator remains the same... = 10000 so, 2.6667 = 2 and 6667/10000 = 26667/10000

How do you write out a repeating decimal?

Some people use an ellipsis, some people put a line over the repeating part, some people write the word "repeating" or "recurring."

What is the percent of 41 over 75?

54.6% the 6 is repeating so put a line over the 6

What is repeating one as a fraction?

one over nine. anything that repeats itself like 0.7777... is put over nine. if you have nine repeating you just have 1 since 9/9 is 1

How do you change 0.363636363636 into a fraction?

If that is a terminating decimalthen put the digits after the decimal point over 1 followed by the same number of zeros as digits after the decimal point and simplify:0.363636363636 has 12 digits, so put over 1 followed by 12 zeros:0.363636363636 = 363636363636/1000000000000= 90909090909/250000000000If that is a repeating decimal (as in 0.363636...)then put the repeating digits over the same number of nines and simplify: 0.363636... has 2 repeating digits (36), so put them over 2 nines (99):0.363636... = 36/99= 4/11

How do you change a repeating number into a percent?

If you only want to change it into a percent, then all you have to do is move the decimal point to the right and put a line over the repeating numbers. Ex. .898989898989898989... is 89.89 % with the last 89 having a line over it

How do you convert the repeating decimal 0.7 into a fraction?

Put the repeating part over as many 9's as there are parts that are repeating. For example, if it is just a 7 that is repeating, then it is 7/9, but if it is a 45 that is repeating (as in .45454545...), then it is 45/99. A 2376 that repeats is 2376/9999. Try it out on your calculator, and you'll see that 7/9 is .77777...

How do you know when to put the bar on a repeating decimal?

The bar is only used for repeating decimals. If it is repeating, you can use it.

Are repeating decimal irrational?

No.Repeating decimals are rational.To convert a repeating decimal to a fraction, put the repeating digit(s) over the same number of 9s and simplify:examples.0.333...It has one repeating digit (3) so put it over one 9 (9) to get 3/9 which can be simplified by dividing top and bottom by 3 (the hcf of 3 and 9) to get 1/3. Thus: 0.333... = 1/30.181818...It has two repeating digits (18) so put them over two 9s (99) to get 18/99 which can be simplified by dividing top and bottom by 9 (the hcf of 18 and 99) to get 2/11. Thus: 0.181818.... = 2/11