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Yes, to write "one point seven million dollars," you can write $1.7 million.

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Q: Do you put the dollar sign in front of 1.7 million?
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Put a dollar sign in front of each one, and I'll bet the answer will jump out at you.

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The cent sign is put after the number, as opposed to the dollar sign, which is put before the number.

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All formulas begin with the equals sign. It is also possible to start with a plus sign, a minus sign or an @ sign, but an equals sign will be automatically put in front of it.All formulas begin with the equals sign. It is also possible to start with a plus sign, a minus sign or an @ sign, but an equals sign will be automatically put in front of it.All formulas begin with the equals sign. It is also possible to start with a plus sign, a minus sign or an @ sign, but an equals sign will be automatically put in front of it.All formulas begin with the equals sign. It is also possible to start with a plus sign, a minus sign or an @ sign, but an equals sign will be automatically put in front of it.All formulas begin with the equals sign. It is also possible to start with a plus sign, a minus sign or an @ sign, but an equals sign will be automatically put in front of it.All formulas begin with the equals sign. It is also possible to start with a plus sign, a minus sign or an @ sign, but an equals sign will be automatically put in front of it.All formulas begin with the equals sign. It is also possible to start with a plus sign, a minus sign or an @ sign, but an equals sign will be automatically put in front of it.All formulas begin with the equals sign. It is also possible to start with a plus sign, a minus sign or an @ sign, but an equals sign will be automatically put in front of it.All formulas begin with the equals sign. It is also possible to start with a plus sign, a minus sign or an @ sign, but an equals sign will be automatically put in front of it.All formulas begin with the equals sign. It is also possible to start with a plus sign, a minus sign or an @ sign, but an equals sign will be automatically put in front of it.All formulas begin with the equals sign. It is also possible to start with a plus sign, a minus sign or an @ sign, but an equals sign will be automatically put in front of it.

How do you put sign in sentence?

In order to complete the deal, I had to sign a contract. **Use sign as a verb** Or He put a sign in his front lawn. **Use it as a noun**

Why do people put the dollar sign be for the number?

because if you just had the number (eg. 4) it would just be a number, and we cant be sure of what its referring to, but when you put the dollar sign in front it tells us that it is a money value (eg. $4), so we know the number is referring to an australian currency amount. hope this helped :) and if you dont mind me asking what was this for? :)

How would you sell your self?

go put a dollar sign on you and scream for sale

What does the equal sign mean or do in front of a persons name?

An equal sign is not usually put in front of a person's name. Horses that race can have an equal sign in front of their name and it means that they are foreign bred but have not been imported.

How do you label your house in minecraft?

you can put up a sign that you can make out of wood and put it at the front of your house

How do you sell a shell company?

you put a for sale sign on the front lawn

How many spaces do you put before a dollar sign in typing?

you are not suppose to place any spacing after nor before the dollor sign$

How do you put 8 million into a percent?

Multiply by 100 and add a percentage sign. So 800000000%

What are the rules in adding integers with like and unlike signs?

To add integers with like signs you jut put the positive in front of the answer (you just add and put a positive sign in front of it)