1.4 is less than half way to 2; so round down to 1. 0.75 is more than half way to 1; so round up to 1. Round to the closest number.
1 cent 5+ you round up 4 And below you round down
The rounding rule which is usually taught in schools is that if the next digit is 1, 2, 3 or 4 then you round down while if it is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 then you round up - 0 is not rounded, of course. This means that if the "next" digit is random, then you round down less often than up: this introduces a upward bias in the result. The solution is to round 5 up half the time and down half the time. It would be possible to do this randomly but then the rounding is not reproducible: someone doing the same sum as you could round numbers differently and so come to a different answer.The IEEE (Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers) standard 754 is to round 5 up or down so that the new last digit is even. This is the round to even rule.
You can't round on a calculator. You do it in your head. 4-1, you round down, 5-9, you round up.
It is 11.4. To round to 1 decmal place you need to get rid of the digit in the second decimal place. If that digit is 0, you just drop it. If it is 1-4 then you also drop it. If it is 6-9 then you drop it BUT increase the previous digit by 1. If it is 5 ... Now here is a problem. If you always drop the 5 you introduce a downward bias. If you always increase the previous digit, you introduce an upward bias. So, with a 5, you need to round down half of the time and round up half the time so as to avoid a bias. A statistically sound solution is to round up or down so that the previous digit is even.
1.4 is less than half way to 2; so round down to 1. 0.75 is more than half way to 1; so round up to 1. Round to the closest number.
When rounding to the nearest thousand (1000), half the numbers (1000 ÷ 2 = 500) round up, and the other half round down - except for those which are exactly half-way: they round up. Thus the largest number that will round to 27,000 to the nearest thousand must round down to it and is 27,000 + 500 - 1 = 27,499.
To round a fraction to the nearest half, first convert the fraction to a decimal. Then round the decimal to the nearest half by determining which half interval it is closest to. Finally, convert the rounded decimal back to a fraction if needed.
Assuming you are dealing with whole numbers only: Half of the numbers round up and half round down. Half of ten thousand is five thousand. Therefore 400000 ± 5000 round to 400000 to the nearest 10000; except that numbers exactly half way round up, so the maximum is one less than this. → smallest to round [up] to 400000 is 400000 - 5000 = 395000 → largest to round [down] to 400000 is 400000 + 5000 - 1 = 404999
A whole number is anything that isn't part of something. Fractions and decimals aren't whole numbers. You round them by this simple statement; If it is half or more you round up (1/2 = round up. 3/8 = round down) if not you round down. See these examples if your having trouble understanding.10.6 (round up) =118 1/3 (round down) = 81.4 (round down) = 15 5/8 (round up) = 6REMEMBER: half or greater; you round up. Less than half; you round down.If the last decimal is between 1 and 4, you round down. E.g. 1,3 = 1If the last decimal is between 5 and 9, you round up. E.g. 1,7 = 2As a child i was taught a simple rhyme. Four or below, let it go (round down, meaning drop the decimal.) Five and above, give it a shove (round up, meaning drop the decimal and add one to the main number)-- Any proper fraction less than 1/2 rounds to zero.-- Any proper fraction of 1/2 or more rounds to ' 1 '.-- Any improper fraction should be changed to a mixed number first.Its fractional part can then be rounded as explained above.Sometimes it is advantageous to express a value in round numbers. To round to a particular place, look at the digit immediately to the right of the one you want to round to. If that digit is 4, 3, 2, 1 or 0, zero it and everything to the right of it out. If that digit is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, increase your target digit by one and zero everything to the right of it out.
Round number after decimal point up by 1 if number after it is 5 or above, and down 1 if it is 4 or lower. For example 4.23= 4.2 (Round down) 2.69= 2.7 (Round down)
Half in the Bag - 2011 Summer Movie Round-Up 1-9 was released on: USA: 10 June 2011
1 cent 5+ you round up 4 And below you round down
Look at the number which is below the hundred thousands and round it up or down. If it is a number from 1 to 4 you round it down(actually it stays the same), but if the number is 5 or greater, then round it up. In this case you round it down so the answer is 500000.
it's not really a SOUL song.. but there's the Peppermint Twist: Round and round, up and down round and round, up and down 1-2-3 kick 1-2-3 jump WEEEELLLL we got a new dance, and it goes like this: shoo bee do bah, shoo bee doo bee doo bah
it is 50.Cause 5 through 9 round up. 1 through 4 round down.
The rounding rule which is usually taught in schools is that if the next digit is 1, 2, 3 or 4 then you round down while if it is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 then you round up - 0 is not rounded, of course. This means that if the "next" digit is random, then you round down less often than up: this introduces a upward bias in the result. The solution is to round 5 up half the time and down half the time. It would be possible to do this randomly but then the rounding is not reproducible: someone doing the same sum as you could round numbers differently and so come to a different answer.The IEEE (Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers) standard 754 is to round 5 up or down so that the new last digit is even. This is the round to even rule.