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The standard is to round a half upwards.

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Q: Do you round 1 half up or down?
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Why do 1.4 and 0.75 both round to 1?

1.4 is less than half way to 2; so round down to 1. 0.75 is more than half way to 1; so round up to 1. Round to the closest number.

How do you round 1.325 to the nearest cent?

1 cent 5+ you round up 4 And below you round down

What is the round-to-even rule?

The rounding rule which is usually taught in schools is that if the next digit is 1, 2, 3 or 4 then you round down while if it is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 then you round up - 0 is not rounded, of course. This means that if the "next" digit is random, then you round down less often than up: this introduces a upward bias in the result. The solution is to round 5 up half the time and down half the time. It would be possible to do this randomly but then the rounding is not reproducible: someone doing the same sum as you could round numbers differently and so come to a different answer.The IEEE (Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers) standard 754 is to round 5 up or down so that the new last digit is even. This is the round to even rule.

How do you round decimal places on calculator?

You can't round on a calculator. You do it in your head. 4-1, you round down, 5-9, you round up.

How do round 11.36 to 1 decimal place?

It is 11.4. To round to 1 decmal place you need to get rid of the digit in the second decimal place. If that digit is 0, you just drop it. If it is 1-4 then you also drop it. If it is 6-9 then you drop it BUT increase the previous digit by 1. If it is 5 ... Now here is a problem. If you always drop the 5 you introduce a downward bias. If you always increase the previous digit, you introduce an upward bias. So, with a 5, you need to round down half of the time and round up half the time so as to avoid a bias. A statistically sound solution is to round up or down so that the previous digit is even.

Related questions

Why do 1.4 and 0.75 both round to 1?

1.4 is less than half way to 2; so round down to 1. 0.75 is more than half way to 1; so round up to 1. Round to the closest number.

What is the largest 5-digit number which rounds to 27 000 to the nearest thousand?

When rounding to the nearest thousand (1000), half the numbers (1000 ÷ 2 = 500) round up, and the other half round down - except for those which are exactly half-way: they round up. Thus the largest number that will round to 27,000 to the nearest thousand must round down to it and is 27,000 + 500 - 1 = 27,499.

How do you round a fraction to the nearest half?

To round a fraction to the nearest half, first convert the fraction to a decimal. Then round the decimal to the nearest half by determining which half interval it is closest to. Finally, convert the rounded decimal back to a fraction if needed.

What are the largest and the smallest round to 400000 by ten thousand?

Assuming you are dealing with whole numbers only: Half of the numbers round up and half round down. Half of ten thousand is five thousand. Therefore 400000 ± 5000 round to 400000 to the nearest 10000; except that numbers exactly half way round up, so the maximum is one less than this. → smallest to round [up] to 400000 is 400000 - 5000 = 395000 → largest to round [down] to 400000 is 400000 + 5000 - 1 = 404999

How do you round to the nearest whole number?

A whole number is anything that isn't part of something. Fractions and decimals aren't whole numbers. You round them by this simple statement; If it is half or more you round up (1/2 = round up. 3/8 = round down) if not you round down. See these examples if your having trouble understanding.10.6 (round up) =118 1/3 (round down) = 81.4 (round down) = 15 5/8 (round up) = 6REMEMBER: half or greater; you round up. Less than half; you round down.If the last decimal is between 1 and 4, you round down. E.g. 1,3 = 1If the last decimal is between 5 and 9, you round up. E.g. 1,7 = 2As a child i was taught a simple rhyme. Four or below, let it go (round down, meaning drop the decimal.) Five and above, give it a shove (round up, meaning drop the decimal and add one to the main number)-- Any proper fraction less than 1/2 rounds to zero.-- Any proper fraction of 1/2 or more rounds to ' 1 '.-- Any improper fraction should be changed to a mixed number first.Its fractional part can then be rounded as explained above.Sometimes it is advantageous to express a value in round numbers. To round to a particular place, look at the digit immediately to the right of the one you want to round to. If that digit is 4, 3, 2, 1 or 0, zero it and everything to the right of it out. If that digit is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, increase your target digit by one and zero everything to the right of it out.

How Do I round Something To The Nearest Tenth?

Round number after decimal point up by 1 if number after it is 5 or above, and down 1 if it is 4 or lower. For example 4.23= 4.2 (Round down) 2.69= 2.7 (Round down)

What are the release dates for Half in the Bag - 2011 Summer Movie Round-Up 1-9?

Half in the Bag - 2011 Summer Movie Round-Up 1-9 was released on: USA: 10 June 2011

How do you round 1.325 to the nearest cent?

1 cent 5+ you round up 4 And below you round down

How do you round 542860 to the nearest hundred thousand?

Look at the number which is below the hundred thousands and round it up or down. If it is a number from 1 to 4 you round it down(actually it stays the same), but if the number is 5 or greater, then round it up. In this case you round it down so the answer is 500000.

What soul song has the lyrics up and down round and round in it?

it's not really a SOUL song.. but there's the Peppermint Twist: Round and round, up and down round and round, up and down 1-2-3 kick 1-2-3 jump WEEEELLLL we got a new dance, and it goes like this: shoo bee do bah, shoo bee doo bee doo bah

What does 45 round to?

it is 50.Cause 5 through 9 round up. 1 through 4 round down.

What is the round-to-even rule?

The rounding rule which is usually taught in schools is that if the next digit is 1, 2, 3 or 4 then you round down while if it is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 then you round up - 0 is not rounded, of course. This means that if the "next" digit is random, then you round down less often than up: this introduces a upward bias in the result. The solution is to round 5 up half the time and down half the time. It would be possible to do this randomly but then the rounding is not reproducible: someone doing the same sum as you could round numbers differently and so come to a different answer.The IEEE (Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers) standard 754 is to round 5 up or down so that the new last digit is even. This is the round to even rule.