A whole number is anything that isn't part of something. Fractions and decimals aren't whole numbers. You round them by this simple statement; If it is half or more you round up (1/2 = round up. 3/8 = round down) if not you round down. See these examples if your having trouble understanding.
10.6 (round up) =11
8 1/3 (round down) = 8
1.4 (round down) = 1
5 5/8 (round up) = 6
REMEMBER: half or greater; you round up. Less than half; you round down.
If the last decimal is between 1 and 4, you round down. E.g. 1,3 = 1
If the last decimal is between 5 and 9, you round up. E.g. 1,7 = 2
As a child i was taught a simple rhyme. Four or below, let it go (round down, meaning drop the decimal.) Five and above, give it a shove (round up, meaning drop the decimal and add one to the main number)
-- Any proper fraction less than 1/2 rounds to zero.
-- Any proper fraction of 1/2 or more rounds to ' 1 '.
-- Any improper fraction should be changed to a mixed number first.
Its fractional part can then be rounded as explained above.
Sometimes it is advantageous to express a value in round numbers. To round to a particular place, look at the digit immediately to the right of the one you want to round to. If that digit is 4, 3, 2, 1 or 0, zero it and everything to the right of it out. If that digit is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, increase your target digit by one and zero everything to the right of it out.
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If a number is already a whole number, and you are being asked to round it to the nearest whole number, then you don't need to round it anymore, since itself is the nearest whole number.
15 is the nearest whole number
How do u round 57.3 to the nearest whole number
You have to check arethnic but when you round 7.4 to the nearest whole number your answer should be 5.************************************The nearest whole number to 7.4 is 7.0
26 is the nearest whole number.