Numbers over 20 are usually written as numerals, according to most styles. However, short words like "ninety" may be seen in both forms.
90 = ninety.
90 = ninety
The numeral 90 is spelled as nine-zero.
The monetary numeral $90 is spelled "ninety dollars".
Assuming a 90 year spell includes 22 leap years, the number of days is equal to (68 x 365) + (22 x 366) = 24820 + 8052 = 32872 days.If the 90 year spell includes 23 leap years, the number of days is equal to (67 x 365) + (23 x 366) = 24455 + 8418 = 32873 days.
90 = ninety.
90 = ninety
90 = ninety.
The numeral 90 is spelled as nine-zero.
it absorbs the spell so that you get a portion of magicka in which the spell is so if the spell they used needs 90 magicka and your spell absorption is 15% then you get 15% of their spell :)
L2 spell nub
The monetary numeral $90 is spelled "ninety dollars".
Yes, "ninety" is the correct spelling for the number 90.