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Dilated pupils are bigger, and constrictred pupils are smaller.

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Q: Do your pupils get bigger or smaller when they are dilated?
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When your pupiles dilate do they get bigger or smaller?

Dilated pupils are bigger, and constrictred pupils are smaller.

If your pupils are not dilated what are they?

The opposite of dilated pupils is constricted pupils.

Can you go ice skating with dilated pupils?

I really doubt that there is anyone examining the size of your pupils before allowing you to step onto the ice. If you were ice skating at night, you would have naturally dilated pupils. So yes, you can skate with dilated pupils.

Does adderall make your pupils big or small?

No. Adderall is a sympathomimetic, and stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system causes the pupils to dilate, not contract.

How would one known if their pupils are dilated?

Dilated pupils appear larger than usual, and they do not constrict in response to light. You can check your own pupils by looking in a mirror in a well-lit room. Dilated pupils can be caused by various factors such as drugs, emotions, or medical conditions.

What are dilated eyes?

When the pupils become large, the term for this is dilated pupils. (Some people just say "dilated eyes", although this isn't a precise way to conceptualize it.)

Why does your pupils get smaller then it gets bigger repeatedly?

When it gets dark, your pupils grow big. When the light is on, your pupils grow smaller. Why this answer? Here's a good explanation. It all depends on light and how much of it there is.

Does Prozac cause dilated pupils?

I take Prozac for the last month and when I started feeling the drug about a week ago my pupils are very dilated after I take it.

Do your pupils get bigger when you lie?

Mine get smaller when i lie. you can test this by when your with your girlfriend or boyfriend your pupils usually get big cause you like them. then go stand in the mirror and tell a lie while watching them then you'll know if they get bigger or smaller.

What do fixed and dilated pupils mean?

fixed pupil- n. A pupil that is unresponsive to stimuli.

What do your pupils do when you go into shock?

Your pupils dilate. Your nervous system is in control of your pupils it affects the cranial nerve called the ocular nerve which causes it to not respond to light hence the dilation.

Are dogs excited when there eyes are dilated?

Yes... or no. Dilated pupils either signify excitement or fear.