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Q: When your pupils get bigger do your irises get smaller?
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Do your pupils get bigger or smaller when they are dilated?

Dilated pupils are bigger, and constrictred pupils are smaller.

When your pupiles dilate do they get bigger or smaller?

Dilated pupils are bigger, and constrictred pupils are smaller.

When you cry are your pupils smaller or bigger?

When you cry, your pupils can dilate (get bigger) due to the emotional response, allowing more light to enter the eyes. This is part of the body's stress response and can help improve vision in challenging situations.

Where to find pupils and irises on your body?

its in your eye

Are pupils supposed to be big or small?

Pupils can appear big or small depending on the lighting conditions and level of stimulation. In bright light, pupils constrict to limit the amount of light entering the eye, making them appear smaller. In dim light or when the person is experiencing strong emotions, pupils dilate to allow more light in, making them look larger.

Why does your pupils get smaller then it gets bigger repeatedly?

When it gets dark, your pupils grow big. When the light is on, your pupils grow smaller. Why this answer? Here's a good explanation. It all depends on light and how much of it there is.

Do your pupils get bigger when you lie?

Mine get smaller when i lie. you can test this by when your with your girlfriend or boyfriend your pupils usually get big cause you like them. then go stand in the mirror and tell a lie while watching them then you'll know if they get bigger or smaller.

Why do your geckos pupils get bigger then get smaller?

The same as ours do... light constricts (smaller), darkness dilates (larger) the pupil.

What happens When you look at someone you find pretty What happens to your pupils?

Your irises may dilate.

Why do owls pupils get bigger?

Owl's pupils get bigger because there pupils react to movement and light causing them to enlarge there pupils.

How do your pupils get bigger and smaller?

when its dark your pupils grow because they are trying to look for light for them to see, and when its too light, they get small, trying to minimize the light going through them

What is pupula duplex?

A medical condition in which two irises, pupils, and corneas are formed in each eye.