If the number is before the decimal, it is a whole number. The numbers after the decimal represent fractions of whole numbers. For example if you had to work 8.5 hours, you would work 8 whole hours plus one half hour.
Lol are you doing inspector calls work? i need the answer too..
3 is the anwser work it out if 7 is after five or before five. cool right i anwsered the question
As many as they pay you for. You and the company were supposed to agree on that number before you started on the job.
This cannot be answered before a couple of other questions are answered first: - amount of what (money, work, effort)? - what kind of groups?
Dial *67 before the number. Note: this does not work on calls outside of the U.S. Dial 141 before the number for the U.K
This is the chance to work abroad I love to immigrant to abroad like in Canada with my family
galaxy ace work abroad
You may want to work abroad for better pay or job opportunities
i want to work abroad to earn a suitable income which i can render my services at my age
I want to either study or work abroad after I graduate.
Conference calls serve a number of purposes in the work place They enable a number of people to take part in a meeting or conversation from different locations and save on time and money.
if you have a private number you can dial *82 before the number you want to dial to unblock your number. dialing *67 will block your number if dialed before the number you're calling. now, if someone is calling oyu from a private number there's no way that i know of to see the number
Another word for abroad is overseas. A person can work or live abroad while his home is in the US somewhere.
Union Telecard offer their customers phone cards, these have the benefits of discounted calls to international countries. They state to have low rates and a great quality service. One may benefit from acquiring a calling card from Union Telecard if they work abroad, or associate with abroad often.
Without a visa, only in the US and US territories abroad.
That's optional, what's important is a passport and a working permit to work abroad.