As many as they pay you for. You and the company were supposed to agree on that number
before you started on the job.
You work 5 hours a week and expect a break!
it depends on how many hours you work. If you work standard 40 hours a week. Then, there are 52 weeks in a year. 10 times 40= weekly earnings of 400. 400 times 52= 20800. you can expect to pay 800 or more in taxes. Therefore, expect to make 19000 or 20000 a year if you work only 40 hours a week.
You have to work for 8 hours!
If you are a public school high school teacher, expect to work an average of 60+ hours a week. 20-30 hours a week are now dedicated to extra-curricular activities and the many hours of state reports that must be submitted from public schools. Private schools vary greatly due to the administration.
how many hours does a marriage an family therapists work a day
i expect from the company to appreciate my work as i am going to work hard to achieve the company overall goal and i expect it will achieve my own goal.
Apparently they can expect you to try to get other people to do your work for you.
a dance teacher can work any hours it depends on the company work hours to how many hours the dance teacher will work a day
Apparently they can expect you to try to get other people to do your work for you.
On average a veterinarian in private practice in the United States can expect to work 50-65 hours per week.
The work hours of a marketing director are dependent on the specific company they work for. Many marketing directors work as much as 80 hours a week.
You work 5 hours a week and expect a break!
All depends on the size of the company. The best thing to do is to ask specific companies how many hours their managers work.
That kind of company is called a 'sweat shop'.
it depends on if you work for a company or you are a independent makeup artist. and how many clients you get.
it depends on how many hours you work. If you work standard 40 hours a week. Then, there are 52 weeks in a year. 10 times 40= weekly earnings of 400. 400 times 52= 20800. you can expect to pay 800 or more in taxes. Therefore, expect to make 19000 or 20000 a year if you work only 40 hours a week.
A CEO may work 20 hours a week or 80. There is usually no set schedule for a CEO as they are the head of a company or corporation.