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Q: Does 2 plus 2 equal fish of four?
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Is two plus two equal four?

no everyone knows 2+2= fish

How could 2 plus 2 equals fish?

it doesn't equal fish that's just a joke it actually equals four.

Is 2 plus 2 4 or 8?

Two plus two is equal to four, not eight. Although there are some opinions that 2+2 is equal to 5 (or even fish), those are obviously untrue. Two plus two is only equal to four, and nothing else.

Is 2 plus 2 equal fish?


Does 2 plus 2 equals fish?

Of course not. Two plus two equals four. 2+2=4

Does 2 plus 2 equal four?


Does 2 plus 2 actually equal four?

Yes it does.

Why can't 2 plus 2 equal fish?

Because it can't. Deal with it.

Why 2 plus 2 is equal to four but not five?

this is a foolish question

Is two plus two fish?

AnswerIf you had a backwards 2 and a normal 2 and put them together you would get a fish. Just go get a piece of paper and something to draw with and try it for yourself...

What does two plus four equal?

4+2=6 Four plus two equals six.

If two plus two equal fish then what does four plus four equal?

If you overlay a 2 with a backward 2, it looks like a fish swimming upward (moreso when turned sideways).As shown on the TV series called The Fairly Oddparents, a character wishes that he was always right. The wish is granted and when the teacher asks him what 2 + 2 is, he said "Fish" and everyone then believed that "fish" was the correct answer.There is one more possible way of looking at this. here's how it goes: 2+2=4, and there are four letters in the word "fish". Another example: 3+2= z e b r a. there are five letters in zebra.