explosives are things that make a loud bang and a whole lot of fire
You use chemical energy in almost every part of your daily life. Your body is the perfect example. The food you eat has chemical energy stored in the bonds of the compounds that make it up and digestion breaks those bonds down, releasing that energy. Another example might be driving your car to work; the chemical reaction of burning fuel releases the energy stored in the bonds of gasoline compounds. Anytime you are changing the chemical makeup of something, you have the potential to use chemical energy stored in the chemical bonds.
Nothing: it is a chemical change and that fact cannot be altered.
Oils are examples of hydrocarbons and hence they contain carbon and hydrogen as the elements.
Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. http://www.sucrose.com/learn.html C6 H12 06
This chemical reaction is called neutralization.
I got a chemical reaction in the science lab today.
when you eat wheatabix and jelly babies, they mix and explode to make a chemical reaction.
some chemical reaction can.
salt and oliveoil does not make a chemical reaction because the olive oil doesnt have the right particles in it
This reaction is called polymerization.
You can't make yourself fall in love. "Love" is a chemical reaction in the brain. Either the chemical reaction occurs or it doesn't.
2koh + h2so4 = k2so4 + 2h20
A chemical reaction changes the actual chemical make-up of a molecule while a physical reaction only changed the physical state of a molecule, the atomic make-up in the molecule stays the same. (ex: H20(l) ---heat--> H20(g))
Scientists make a distinction: physical absorption (without chemical reaction) and chemical absorption (involving a chemical reaction).
There can't be unlimited electrolytes in the battery to make a chemical reaction. The chemical reaction makes electricity to power the device.