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It shouldnt.

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Q: Does 2h20 plus 2h20 plus 4h2o make a chemical reaction?
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What chemical reaction can be used to make a liquid less alkaline?

This chemical reaction is called neutralization.

How do chemical reaction starts?

when you eat wheatabix and jelly babies, they mix and explode to make a chemical reaction.

Does a chemical change make a new substance?

some chemical reaction can.

Does salt and olive oil make a chemical reaction?

salt and oliveoil does not make a chemical reaction because the olive oil doesnt have the right particles in it

What is the chemical reaction of monomers add to make polymer?

This reaction is called polymerization.

How do you make yourself fall in love?

You can't make yourself fall in love. "Love" is a chemical reaction in the brain. Either the chemical reaction occurs or it doesn't.

How can you make a sample of potassium sulphate?

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Is making caramel sauce a chemical reaction?

Yes, making caramel sauce involves a chemical reaction called caramelization. This reaction occurs when sugar is heated, causing it to break down and turn into a golden-brown liquid with a deep, rich flavor.

What type of chemical reaction would you need to use to make a triglyceride?

Triglycerides are made through a condensation reaction known as esterification, where the hydroxyl groups of glycerol react with the carboxyl groups of fatty acids to form ester bonds. This reaction typically involves the removal of water molecules.

How is a chemical reaction different from a physical reaction?

A chemical reaction changes the actual chemical make-up of a molecule while a physical reaction only changed the physical state of a molecule, the atomic make-up in the molecule stays the same. (ex: H20(l) ---heat--> H20(g))