They are 4 significant DIGITS, not numbers! It is only 1 number.
It has 4 significant digits but only one value.
There are 4 significant digits in 5600.
There are 2 significant digits: 5 and 4
It is significant to 4 digits.
Significant digits are digits that provide useful information, for instance 123 has 3 significant digits and 30010 has 4 significant digits. So basically zeros aren't significant unless they are between two other numbers. 0.1020 has only 4 significant digits. A+: 4
No, only three.
They are 4 significant DIGITS, not numbers! It is only 1 number.
It has 4 significant digits but only one value.
Any non-zero digit is significant. Example: 352.12 has 5 significant digits. A zero is significant if it appears between non-zero digits. Example: 504.2 has 4 significant digits. A zero is also significant when it appears after the decimal point, AFTER other digits. In this case, it was only added to indicate a significant digit. Example: 5.30 has 3 significant digits. A zero after other numbers may or may not be significant. Use scientific notation to unambiguously indicate the number of significant digits. Example: 4500 has 2 significant digits. It may have 3 or 4 significant digits, but to be safe, assume 2 significant digits. A zero is NOT significant if it comes after the decimal point, BEFORE any other digits. In this case, it is only used to put the digits in their proper place. Example: 0.0024 has 2 significant digits.
There is only one number which contains 4 significant digits.
There are 4 significant digits in 5600.
It has 4 significant figures.0.007080 has four significant digits.
There are 4 significant digits
There are 2 significant digits: 5 and 4
1002 has 4 significant digits.