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Q: Does H2 have positive or negative atoms?
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What is an atom that has a net positive or negative electric charge?

Positive atoms: cations. Negative atoms: anions

What are atoms OR groups of atoms with a positive OR negative charge?

a zewithalarion shows poth positive and negative; go figure...

Which has a strong bond H2 or H2 plus?

H2+ has a stronger bond than H2. The addition of a positive charge to the H2 molecule increases the attraction between the two hydrogen atoms, resulting in a stronger bond.

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What describes atoms that have a positive and negative end?

Atoms do not have positive and negative ends.Molecules, which are made up of several atoms, can be positive at one end and negative at the other; these are called "polar" molecules. The most common polar molecule is water, made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom; H2O.

Do atoms have a higher number of positive charges or negative?

Normally atoms are neutral.

If a proton is negative and a neutron is positive when they come together equally how can there be positive and negative atoms?

Loss or gain of electrons.

Can atoms have positive or negative charge?

Yes, if they are ions

Atoms with a positive or negative charge are called ions?

That's correct! When atoms gain or lose electrons, they become ions with an overall positive or negative charge. Positive ions are called cations, and negative ions are called anions.

What is a group of atoms with with a positive or negative charge?

A group of atoms with a positive or negative charge is called an ion. Ions are formed when atoms gain or lose electrons. Positive ions are called cations, while negative ions are called anions.

Treu or false Atoms have a positive charge?

False, atoms do not have a positive charge. Atoms are electrically neutral, meaning they have an equal number of protons (positive charge) and electrons (negative charge).