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Usually yes...but it depends on the angle of trajectory, weight and aerodynamics of the thing being catapulted, the length of the "arm" of the catapult, and the amount of force that the catapult is set to hurl the object.

Example: a feather on the 10lb catapult which is set at a high trajectory and a low force will go almost nowhere while a stone from a 3 pound catapult will go much farther if it is set on a perfect trajectory and maximum force.

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Q: Does a 10lb catapult launch further than a 3lb one?
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What has more mass the catapult or the marble?

The catapult has more mass than the marble, as it is a larger object designed to launch the marble. The marble is smaller and has less mass than the catapult.

Does a catapult create a free fall?

No, a catapult does not create free fall. A catapult uses tension to launch an object, causing it to follow a curved trajectory rather than free falling straight down.

Why do bigger catapults launch objects farther than smaller catapults?

Bigger catapults can launch objects farther than smaller ones due to the increased amount of potential energy stored in the larger catapult's tension. The larger catapult can store and release more energy when it is released, resulting in a more powerful launch. Additionally, the longer arm of a bigger catapult allows for a longer lever arm, increasing the force applied to the projectile during launch.

Will a bigger catapult throw farther than a small one?

it will because of the rubber band. (if homemade) the rubber band will stretch farther and when released it will launch the object farther.

Is 10lb bigger than 200oz?

200oz. is greater

Is a catapult stronger than a trebuchet?

In some ways, yes. A trebuchet can hurl objects farther and higher than a catapult, but a catapult can throw with more force.

What is a catapult launch lift and how does it work?

A catapult launch lift is a system used to launch aircraft from an aircraft carrier. It works by using steam or hydraulic pressure to propel the aircraft along the flight deck and into the air, allowing it to achieve the necessary takeoff speed in a shorter distance than a traditional runway. This system provides the necessary acceleration for the aircraft to become airborne safely.

What are the similarities between a catapult and a trebuchet?

a trebuchet is a type of catapult. it used a counter weight

Is 12LB fishing line stronger than 10LB fishing line?

Yes; 12 lb. test is stronger than 10 lb. test.

What did they do with the bodies form the black plague?

they burned the bodies sometimes.I'm not positive on who it was,I think the Mongolians,would keep the bodies of the plague victims and take a catapult and launch the bodies into Europe to infect them.Which is how it spread to Europe,who had the biggest dent in the population than any other country.None were affected more than Europe because of the Mongolians.

How did the Greeks invent the catapult?

today you are you that is truer than true their is nobody else that is youer than you-dr suess

Is a slingshot considered a catapult?

Archery can be done with a crossbow. I believe it's the same with a crossbow as it is with a recurve, combat, or compound, in that there are tournaments and competitions and the targets are similar. Crossbow gets classified with archery due to some similarities in the equipment, but the form is entirely different; crossbow is more like rifle shooting than bow-and-arrow.