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Q: Does a ball roll farther on carpet or asphalt?
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Does a ball roll farther on carpet or grass?

A ball would likely roll farther on grass than on carpet, as grass provides a smoother surface with less friction compared to carpet. The longer blades of grass can also help propel the ball further by reducing resistance.

Would ball roll farther on carpet or wooden floors?

A ball would typically roll further on a wooden floor compared to a carpeted floor due to less friction between the ball and the surface on a wooden floor. The rough texture of the carpet creates more resistance, which slows down the movement of the ball.

Data for a ball to roll farther on grass or dirt?

A ball will typically roll farther on grass compared to dirt due to the smoother and more even surface of the grass. Grass provides less resistance and allows for a smoother rolling motion, resulting in increased distance covered compared to the rough and uneven surface of dirt.

What is the controlled variable for does a ball roll farther on grass than on dirt?

Varibles and controls for does a ball roll faster on grass or dirt

Does a ball roll faster on carpet grass or sidewalk?

A ball would generally roll faster on a sidewalk than on carpet grass due to the smoother and harder surface of the sidewalk providing less friction and resistance. Carpet grass has a rougher texture that can slow down the ball's movement.

Which does a ball roll farther in grass or dirt?

Neither. The ball rolls faster on cement, not grass, or dirt.

Does the mass of a ball effect how far it rolls?

the smaller the mass the farther the roll

Will a heavy or light ball roll farther?

A heavy ball will typically roll farther than a light ball, all other factors being equal. This is because the heavier ball will have more momentum and kinetic energy as it moves, allowing it to overcome friction and other resistive forces more easily.

What ball rolls farther on grass or dirt?

A ball will typically roll farther on grass than on dirt due to the smoother surface and less resistance provided by grass compared to the uneven and rough texture of dirt. The reduced friction on grass allows the ball to travel further with each roll.

Does a soccer ball roll farther on grass or dirt?

A soccer ball typically rolls farther on grass compared to dirt. Grass provides a smoother and more even surface for the ball to roll on, whereas dirt can create more friction and obstacles that impede the ball's movement.

Why does a ball roll farther on dirt than grass?

The reason a ball rolls farther on dirt is because the grass has more potenial than dirt because once you roll the ball really hard the ball will slow down on grass and the grass is sometimes standing up and the dirt doesn't have any thing to stop the ball the dirt is is flat unlike the grass.

What is the effect of a balls distance on a carpet?

The distance a ball covers on a carpet can be influenced by factors such as carpet thickness, texture, and friction. Thicker carpets can slow down the ball due to increased resistance, while smoother carpets with less friction may allow the ball to roll further. Overall, the carpet's characteristics play a significant role in determining how far the ball will travel.