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No. For example, 1/3 = 0.333333333...(repeats forever). The calculator can only display finitely many digits.

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Q: Does a calculator display the exact values of all rational numbers?
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Does a calculator display the exact values of all irrational numbers?

No. An irrational number is one that does not repeat or finish, and a calculator cannot display millions of digits like an irrational number would have.

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Why are there irrational numbers?

Because there are numerical values which cannot be expressed as ratios of two integers. That is, there are numbers that are not rational.

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The specifications for a software application will be what that application needs to be able to do. The designwill be how the software engineers plan to do it.A simple specification may be something like "This application must be able to take two numbers as input and display their sum."The design could be:# Accept two values via command line # Add values # Display sum or...# Display calculator GUI # Accept two values via mouse input # Add values # Display sum

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The value of the answer is the sum of the absolute values of the numbers and the sign of the answer is the same as that of the two numbers.

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They represent rational numbers.

What is the difference between ratio and rational numbers?

Rational numbers are equivalent to ratios of two integers (the denominator being non-zero). A ratio is a relationship between two set of values. For example, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter is pi, which is not a rational number.

What is rational values?

Rational values- those are necessary to the functions and fulfillment of intellect and will.

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There are infinitely many rational numbers between 2 and 27.

In a spreadsheet numbers are called?

In a spreadsheet, numbers are referred to as "values." These values can be entered into individual cells and used in calculations, formulas, and functions within the spreadsheet software. It is important to format numbers correctly in order to display them accurately and perform calculations accurately.

Is there a rational number between any two distinct rational numbers?

Yes. Not only that, but there are an infinite number of rationals between any two distinct rationals - however close. We can prove it like this: Take any three rational numbers, call them A, B and C, where B is larger than A, and C is any rational number greater than 1: D = A + (B - A) / C That gives us another rational number, D, no matter what the values of the original numbers are.

How can you find the sign of the product of two or more rational numbers?

Count the number of negative values. If that number is even, the answer is positive and if it is odd, the answer is negative.