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Q: Does a crosstabulation have to have both categorical and quantitative?
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Is quantitative is also called categorical?

No it is not.

What are the other examples of quantitative variables in statistics?

You're probably used to the word "variable" in algebra. Letters like x and y are used in place of numbers. Twotypes of variables are used in statistics: Quantitative and categorical. Quantitative variables are numerical: counts, percents, or numbers. Categorical variables are descriptions of groups or things, like "breeds of dog" or "voting preference".Examples of Quantitative Variables:High school Grade Point Average.Number of pets owned.Bank account balance.Number of stars in a solar system.Average number of lottery tickets sold.How many cousins you have.The amount in your paycheck.General rule: if you can add it, it's quantitative. For example, a G.P.A. of 3.3 and a G.P.A. of 4.0 can be added together (3.3 + 4.0 = 7.3), so that means it's quantitative.Examples of Categorical Variables:Class in college (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior).Party affiliation (Republican, Democrat, Independent).Type of pet owned (dog, cat, rodent, fish).Favorite author.Preferred airline.Hair color.Your race.Types of hats.As a general rule, if you can't add something, then it's categorical. For example, you can't add cat + dog, or Republican + Democrat.

Is shoe size numerical or categorical?


Is a survey qualitative or quantitative?

A survey may be both a qualitative or quantitative because it depends on the question you construct it. They may be qualitative (when you expect a answer by words ) or a quantitative (when you expect a answer by numbers)

What is categorical data?

Categorical data is the statistical data type consisting of categorical variables or of data that has been converted into that form, for example as grouped data.

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Is quantitative is also called categorical?

No it is not.

Are stemplots are useful for both quantitative and categorical data?

They're useful for quantitaive data because they are used to list number faster, not give a categorical response

Why can bar graphs be converted to line graphs?

They can both show the same data. You can use quantitative or categorical data with both of them.

Is a type of wood categorical or quantitative?

'Quantitative' has to do with the answer to the question, "How much, or how many?" 'Categorical' has to do with the answer to the question, "What kind?" 'Type of wood' would fall under the latter category.

Is income a categorical variable?

No. Income is a quantitative variable since it is measured in numbers instead of categories.

Are ESG scores considered categorical or quantitative?

In my research I consider ESG socres predictors (independent variables). The data will be retrieved from Refinitv and I have doubt on whether ESG scores are categorical or quantitative data. I cannot choose the appropriate statistical test without being sure about this info. If predictor is categorical, then I choose MANOVA If predictor is quantitative, then the choice would be MULTIPLE REGRESSION analysis. Please, if you have time to answer, it would be a huge help getting a clear answer. Thank you.

What level of measurement is the variable major?

Yeah that's a question online in your stats class. Read it more carefully. They are asking if Major (area of study) is a quantitative or categorical type of data Answer: Categorical.

Is phone number a qualitative data or quantitative data?

The two basic divisions of data are qualitative or categorical data and quantitative or numeric data. Just because you have a number, doesn't necessarily make it quantitative. For example, zip codes, phone numbers and bank-accounts are numeric, but it doesn't make much sense to find the average phone number or median zip-code. These are examples of numbers applied to categorical data.

Can the median be used to describe both categorical data and numerical data?

Can the median and mode be used to describe both categorical data and numerical data

How do you use quantitative in a sentence?

The measures can be either quantitative or qualitative, or a mixture of both.

What measure of central tendency can be used for both numerical and categorical variables?
