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two times a negative number does not equal 0.

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Q: Does a double negative equal a positive?
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Does a double negative number equal a positive number?

no it doesnt. two negative numbers equal a negative number. two postivie numbers equal a positive number. one negative and one positive number equal a negative number.

What does 8 minus negative 3 equal?

8 minus negative three or 8--3 equal positive 11. The double negative converts the minus sign into a plus sign and the negative into a positive.

What is 6 plus negative 1?

6 + - 1 = 5 Here is a little table to help with manipulating double signs. = + = - = - = + NB If no sign is given then read it as (+). So for the above sum we could write + 6 + - 5 = +5

What does a positive and a neagive equal?

positive and a positive is a positive negative and a negative is a positive to answer your question: positive and a negative is a negative.

If you divide positive by a negative does it equal a negative or positive?


Is a negative divided by a positive equal a positive or negative?


How do you multyply integers?

when you have a negative times a negative it will equal a positive but when you have a negative times a positive it will equal a negative no matter what!

Is a negative divided by a positive equal to a positive?

No, it is a negative

Does a positive minus a negative equal a positive or negative?

Always positive.

Does a negative plus a positive equal a positive?

No it equals negative. (-)+(+)=(-)

Does a negative times a positive equal a positive?

no. it is still negative.

Does a negative equal a positive?

No. Negative and positive are actually opposites.