Three aces and two eights is a full house. Three Aces and two nines would win. As would three aces and two kickers 10 or higher.
My name is joshua broome aces and eights i like to have one vest and mask too
Both pair of cards were clubs and spades.
If you are referring to Poker, the first thing to consider is not the specific cards, but the special combinations they make. For example, two pairs beats one pair - no matter what cards the pairs are made of. Or in this case, 4 of a kind beats full house (3 + 2), no matter what cards. Only if two or more players have the same combinations will the highest cards in each combination be compared.
Approximately 2%
The three nines and two eights win, because the higher three of kind is stronger.
"Aces and Eights"; two pair of 2 aces and 2 eights. Wild Bill Hickok was accused of cheating after showing two pair, aces and eights, but nobody knows what the fifth card was.
Aces 'N' Eights was created on 2008-03-15.
Aces and Eights - 2008 is rated/received certificates of: USA:R (DVD)
My name is joshua broome aces and eights i like to have one vest and mask too
Aces over Eights; Full Hosue Wild Bill was holding a Full House, Aces and Eights. As a point of trivia, this is now referred to as the Dead Man's Hand. the hand was two pair, aces and eights
The 5th card in the Steadman poker hand is called the hole card. This is a had with all black aces and black eights.
The cast of Aces and Eights - 2008 includes: Victor Frost as Carlos Joshua Weatherspoon as RJ
a pair of aces.
It can be stated either "Aces full" or "Aces full of Kings".
Aces and eights