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Q: How many poker hands contain exactly 2 Aces?
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Does a fullhouse beat three aces and two Eights in poker?

Three aces and two eights is a full house. Three Aces and two nines would win. As would three aces and two kickers 10 or higher.

In a poker hand consisting of 5 cards find the probability of holding 3 aces?

Approximately 2%

What is the probability of selecting 4 aces while playing poker with six people?

P(x=4) ≈ 0.00001847 or about 1 in 54 145The probability of selecting 4 aces while playing poker with six people is:P(x=4) = 5C4 ∙ 4!/[52!/(52-30)!] ∙ (52-4)!/(52-30)!= 5C4 ∙ 4!(52-4)!/52! ≈ 1.846892603... x 10-5 ≈ 0.00001847which is about 1 in 54 145.

How many aces are in a card?

4 aces

A poker hand five cards is drawn from an ordinary deck of 52 cards find the probability of the first four cards are the four aces?

4/52 x 3/51 x 2/50 x 1/49 About 0.00039%

Related questions

What are poker bullets?

a pair of aces.

Does five aces beat a straight in poker?

It depends on the type of poker game being played.In a game where aces are low (they are equivalent to the number 1). In that case yes, a pair of fives beats a pair of aces.In a game where aces are high, then no, the pair of aces definitely wins. A pair of aces is the highest single pair you can get in the game of poker, before getting two pair or higher.Both of these types of games are played in poker.

When you play poker cards game and you have straight Aces in your hand what that mean?

suited aces

The probability of being dealt 4 aces in a 5 card poker hand?

Poker hands are combinations of cards (when the order does not matter, but each object can be chosen only once.)The number 52C5 of combinations of 52 cards taken 5 at a time is (52x51x50x49x48) / (5x4x3x2x1) = 2,598,960.The number of hands which contain 4 aces is 48 (the fifth card can be any of 48 other cards.)So there is 1 chance in (2,598,960 / 48) = 54,145 of being dealt 4 aces in a 5 card hand.The odds are 54,144 to 1 against. The probabilityis 1/54145 = (approx.) 0.000018469 or 0.0018469%.

Do 2 aces and two tens and a two beat 3 fives a 6 and a 8?

No. Three of a kind beats two pair in poker hands.

Password for nettimestari poker c4.aces?


Bullets at the poker table in a crossword puzzle?


4 aces in poker is called?

Four of a kind.

What is the probability of getting exactly three aces in a five-card poker hand dealt from an ordinary 52 card deck?

The probability of getting 3 aces in the order AAABB is; P(AAABB) = (4/52)∙(3/51)∙(2/50)∙(48/49)∙(47/48) = 0.0001736... There are 5C3 = 5!/(3!∙(5-3)!) = 10 different ways in which the aces can come out. So the probability of getting exactly three aces in a five card poker hand dealt from a 52 card deck is, P(3A) ~ 10∙(0.0001736) ~ 0.001736 ~ 0.1736%

What are 'freerolls' in the game of poker?

A freeroll in the game of poker is a situation in which a player cannot win the hand and cannot lose the hand. An example of a freeroll hand is when a person has 2 aces and other person has 2 aces.

What is a 4 letter word beginning with A meaning bullets at a poker table?


Do you automatically win poker with a pair of aces?

no, it depends on what the other player(s) have(has)