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Q: Does a lightbbulb produce a discrete spectrum?
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Is the Hg emission spectrum continuous or discrete?

Discrete. Mercury (Hg) emission spectrum is characterized by distinct spectral lines due to the transitions of electrons between energy levels within the atom. This results in specific wavelengths of light being emitted, creating a line spectrum.

How did Thomas Edison contribute to economic changes?

the lightbbulb blad, init?

What sort of structure does the spectrum of a pulse train have?

A pulse strain has a structure called a frequency comb. This is a spectrum that has a series of discrete and equally spaced elements.

Can The optical spectrum of hydrogen and all other elements consist of a set of discrete lines?


What do you call a light spectrum that is not continuous?

A light spectrum that is not continuous is called a discrete or discontinuous spectrum. This means that instead of a smooth progression of colors, there are distinct individual colors or wavelengths present in the spectrum.

What is the difference between sunlight produced spectrum and hydrogen gas produced spectrum?

Sunlight produced spectrum is continuous and contains a broad range of wavelengths, while hydrogen gas produced spectrum consists of discrete lines at specific wavelengths due to the unique energy levels of hydrogen atoms. Sunlight spectrum is continuous due to the various processes that produce light, whereas hydrogen gas spectrum is a result of the energy levels of hydrogen atoms emitting photons of specific wavelengths.

What colors on the color spectrum combine to produce gray?

Black and white are the colors that combine to produce gray on the color spectrum.

Why is the frequency spectrum of a discrete signal repetitions of the spectrum of the analog signal?

The analog signal is converted to discrete signal. Even after the conversion, the frequency of the actual signal still remains the same. If the frequency of the discrete signal is different from the analog signal, the reconstructed signal would be different again. This is not what we expect. So base spectrum for similar signals have same frequencies, whether they are discrete or analog. Why do the repetitions occur? The original analog signal is multiplied with a dirac pattern. The base frequency is then shifted to the places, where diracs are available. So long the diracs keep repeating, the base frequency do repeats. Hope you are convinced with my answer

Is sawtooth signal analog?

Yes. A signal of plateaus shows quantized or discrete levels of one or the other voltage; only 2 states. A sawtooth signal has a spectrum of states and has many more than 2 discrete states and is thereby analog. A sine wave is also an example of an analog signal - a spectrum of intensity.

Is there a mammals that no mamary glands?

Monotremes do not have discrete mamary glands, they do still produce milk.

What is unique about the spectrum obtained for a fluorescent light?

The spectrum obtained for a fluorescent light is unique in that it produces a discrete line spectrum with distinct peaks at specific wavelengths, rather than a continuous spectrum. This is due to the combination of the phosphor coating in the tube and the mercury vapor emitting specific wavelengths of light when excited.

Why does the sun produce a continuous spectrum but the fluorescent lights produce a line spectrum?

The sun produces a (nearly) continuous spectrum (gaseous elements in the Sun's atmosphere absorb certain frequencies, making it not quite truly continuous) because it's emitting light due mainly to its temperature. This kind of radiation is called "black body" or "cavity" radiation, and it's a continuous spectrum. Fluorescent lights produce light by a phenomenon known as (hold on for the shocking revelation) fluorescence. This kind of radiation is related to transitions between specific electron energy levels, and therefore consists of discrete lines. In old or cheap fluorescent tubes, there might be only a couple of lines. Most modern ones use a mixture of phosphors that emit light at different frequencies, so you might see half a dozen or more lines in the spectrum.